

Five Golden Runners

5 GoodGymers made their way 12.0km in a race in Chelmsford.

  • Laurie Glendinning
  • Rich Walker
  • David Chatterjee
  • Angela O'Brien
  • Jess Fairman
Saturday, 16th of December 2023
Led by David Chatterjee

Five goodgymer's joined a load of other festive runners for a 12k run from the Voodoo Keller bar and back, with a stop at Chelmsford Brew Co in the middle.

After a slight mishap with a path closed by the river, David, Laurie, and Angela ended up in the lead a couple of km in, whilst Jess kept Rich company backmarking. Angela took some excellent selfies with the group whilst running, and we made it to Chelmsford Brew Co for our short break and drink. David was inexplicably bleeding, but that didn't stop us from downing our drinks and making our way back.

We sped our way back, and we believe everyone at the run finished with a less than 6 minute per km pace, with David, Angela, and Laurie finishing in the top 5. Our second drink at Voodoo Keller and toastie were all consumed quite quickly.

Well done everyone, hope to see you at the next one!


Report written by Laurie Glendinning

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Garden clearing at Meadow View Cottage

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Laurie Glendinning
Anglia Ruskin University

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