
Training session

Fitness ? Shell yeah !

5 GoodGymers made their way on a training session in Worthing.

  • Tamsin Cornwall
  • Anne Blokhus
  • Sarah
  • Stephen Blaine
Sunday, 12th of June 2022

On a stunning Sunday morning 5 of us met up for our monthly fitness session.

Worthing did not disappoint with its sunny weather. blue skies, turquoise sea and a happy people along the prom.

After a warm up around the pier we went into a lower and upper body EMOM ( Every minute on the minute ) We did 4 rounds and finished with a team buyout challenge with everyone helping each other to complete 100 reps of their chosen move.

It was really was an absolute delight to be with this gorgeous bunch TamsinAnneSarahStephen

Next months date to be announced in the next few days :)

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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St Botolphs Church Garden

Monday 18:00 - 19:30
St Botolphs Church

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