
Group run

Drizzling over Han-over

6 GoodGymers made their way 4.7km to help the Hanover & Elm Grove Ward in Brighton.

  • Sarah Katharine
  • Jane Dallaway
  • Rosie Baker
  • Edel
  • Rosemary Reynolds
Tuesday, 28th of May 2024

Drizzle Drizzle Drizzle, that was yesterday weather forecast from 18:00 to 20:00.

Rainy days like this tempt us to stay indoors, snuggled up with a warm blanket and a good book. But what if we are told (by the radio, according to Edel) that there are incredible benefits to be gained by heading out into the rain for a workout? That's right – exercising in the rain can be a refreshing and invigorating experience that offers unique advantages for both your body and mind. Exercising in the rain can be a mood-enhancing experience, as the rhythmic sound of raindrops and the coolness on your skin create a calming effect.

And with this in mind, six brave GoodGym-ers joined yesterday GoodGym’s group run session with a double community mission in Hanover and Elm Grove ward. We helped Simon with painting over graffiti at the Phoenix Community Centre and nearly former pub, and others joined Cllr Tim for some litter picking and weeding action close to Wellington Road.

It was certainly a mood- and ward-enhancing experience!

Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO

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Empowering my passions for a circular good while being active sustainably!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Rosie Baker
    • Jane Dallaway
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Jane Dallaway

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Double YMCA Garden action

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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