
Group run

Don't Bind Us To Time

6 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Friends of Tottenham Green in Haringey.

  • Sarah Moore
  • Euclides Montes
  • Bromley runner
  • Niamh Ni Longain
  • Julie Fisher
  • Ellie Gomola
Wednesday, 17th of May 2023
Led by Euclides Montes

6 Goodgymmers flew the (green) flag for Goodgym Haringey lending a helping hand to the Friends of Tottenham Green (FoTG) as they readied the park for their Green Flag Award inspection.

Special mention corner!

Gramps would like to extend a very warm apology to Julie and Ellie who ended up doing a slightly longer run than advertised tonight. Gramps' mapping skills went awry in pursuit of some Strava imaginary points and a 3.5Kish run ended up being a cool 5K in the end but Julie and Ellie didn't complain even once! And not only that, we were late - we're never late! What would Nurjehan say ;)

And Ellie, joining us for just her second ever task, was a complete natural. Hope the longer run hasn't scared you away! <3

And thanks to Niamh and Dave for today's punnage action.

Seek And Weed Shall Bind

Laura from the FoTG pressed the big 'Goodgym Help Needed' button this week as they are being visited by the Green Flag Award judging panel on Thursday and they wanted to make sure the Green got a good 'once over' the night before.

Six of us turned up on a warm Wednesday evening to heed Laura's call and we very quickly divided into three teams: Ellie and Sarah were in charge of pulling bindweeds, Niamh and Julie gave the Green a good litter pick, and Louise and Gramps were asked to rake one of the flowerbeds that had been mowed earlier in the day, much to Laura's chagrin! #NoMowMay4Eva

Our three teams buzzed and rushed to complete their jobs as quick as they could and they left the Green looking immaculate and beautiful. Granted, the Friends group had done the Lion's share of the work but the Goodgyn touch really was the icing on the cake.

Join us next week for more fun and games!

Report written by Euclides Montes

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Friday May 19th, 2023 10:53

great work team :)

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GoodGym Haringey group fitness and task

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Euclides Montes
Blue House Yard

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