
Group run

Dilated to be back

20 GoodGymers made their way 8.0km to help the Wexham Park Hospital in Slough.

  • Jenni H
  • Ciaran Crean
  • Sally Jones
  • Chrissy
  • Manjit Birk
  • Ricky Kloay
  • Rosa
  • Sandy Dhaliwal
  • Lorraine
  • Robert
  • Keira Paupiah
  • Ealing runner
  • Pam Banga
  • Darren
  • Kam Atwal
  • James Bates
  • Alistair
  • Matty Paine
  • Harry
  • Jags
Monday, 22nd of October 2018
Led by Manjit Birk

A fantastic turnout this evening to help on a task at our local NHS hospital. It was a longer run out however that didnt put anyone off.. even a new runner came along to see what we were all about.. welcome Jags Hope you had fun... and B Positive! And a warm welcome back to Robert and Harry who return to do their second good deed.

Thank you to Ciaran from Active Slough for back marking and looking after our runners this evening.

Bags Packed and Ready to Go

After a super speedy warm up we headed off through the streets of Slough to make it to the hospital in time for our dilatful task

Partners in Grime

With the light fading fast and a steady flow of cars in the area of work we paired up into partners and set off to do the task.. with the tools we had we then sub divided into :-

  • The Sweepers and
  • The Pickers

Darren, James and Jags took to sweeping the car park, making it almost clinically clean

Chrissy and Keira got totally stuck in, showing us how much good clean fun they were having (see photo's)... they look proud as punch with their pickers

Ciaran is after an acting debut in Casualty! No-one dons those gloves like he does

Harry, Matty and Alistair didnt need directing to the A&E area! They were off in a flash to litter pick those ciggy butts.

Acutely aware of the time, we down tooled, took our group photo and headed back to base.

Great job again by everyone. We gave it our best shot and once again cleared away 8 bags of rubbish, butt ends and autumn leaves!

Next weeks task is at the Parvaaz Project, which is a short 1.5km one way. We will carry on with a garden clean up

Next Social

Just a reminder to put Friday 30th November in your diaries for our Christmas drinks, at The Corner House, Sheet St, Windsor from 19:30

Have a great week Manjit

Report written by Manjit Birk

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Manjit Birk
Led by Manjit Birk

Area Activator for Slough....Running is my passion....Marathons to park runs and anything in between.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Ciaran Crean

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St Mary's Church Clean Up x 6th Birthday Fun

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Manjit Birk
Upton Court Park

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