
Group run

Digging deep turning the soggy soil into a mud-ulous adventure!

6 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Friends of St Botolphs Church in Worthing.

  • Belinda Robinson
  • Barbara Barrett
  • Paula Marten
  • John Robinson
  • Daisy
Monday, 4th of March 2024

Rain, Rain, can you just go away

Oh my goodness - after a sunny morning and early afternoon that showed so much promise for a light and dry GG task, on arrival, we were faced with the worst of the worst . It was dark, wind, rain and a chill factor that was not pleasant.

Barbara, after a challenging few months of illness and injury, was immediately told to go home - obviously she didn't! but thank goodness she didn't hang around too long - we want our very special Babs back to best ASAP !

It was so nice to see Paula back to a Monday task and what a glorious night of weather that she chose for it!

Thank you also to Johnand Daisy who also turned out in the horrible weather to try and finish this ongoing project.

Massive thanks to Belinda who was on her photography duty again ( wishing her poorly thumb a speedy recovery )

Digging in

With hoods up and garden forks in hand we got down to the heart of the digging and weeding. Another night where we were so grateful for Uncle Ivo's lights!

45 minutes later and enough was enough ! We down tooled and attempted to remove the cloggy mud from our shoes.

I think its fair to say that we were not dorry to say goodbye ! What we really need is a decent GG jacket for nights like this .......

Have a great week.

Julia xx

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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I love the concept of getting physically and mentally fit whilst combining it with helping others. I run most days.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Belinda Robinson
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Belinda Robinson

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St Botolphs Church Garden

Monday 18:00 - 19:30
St Botolphs Church

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