
Group run

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7 GoodGymers made their way 1.0km to help the Stepney Bank Stables in Newcastle.

  • Anji Andrews
  • Aimee
  • Damu
  • Elliot Carrigan-Bowen
  • Seb Gethin
  • Zoe Kolarova
  • Roisin Kennan
Monday, 15th of January 2024
Led by Anji Andrews

“You are the hardcore ones!”

Task owner Sara was mega impressed by our turnout on a deep freeze of a night in Newcastle, most impressive I felt was seeing new GoodGymers Zoe and Roisin for the very first time. I must also give a special mention to Seb for his first good deed in 15 months! The door is always open no matter how long between tasks.

Being mega-organised as ever, Sara had a list of jobs prepared for us tonight and gave a quick run down of what needed doing. Optional in addition to the list was stroking the horses, of course.

Zoe and Seb got straight on with sweeping the outdoor ramp while I took the baton in the January litter pick relay with a quick litter pick around the car park- these were the coldest jobs and we completed them as quickly as possible. Adam, Elliott, Aimee and Roisin were in the arena sweeping away massive cobwebs, cleaning the boards around the side and edging the arena floor. These are all physical tasks that needed a bit of welly and will definitely result in a few aching arms and shoulders tomorrow. As a side note I definitely think Adam has a career as a chimney sweep waiting as he was able to get even the highest cobwebs and didn’t stop until they were all done. We then had a brief visit to the horses and I showed everyone how ridiculously scared I am of them for no reason at all.

Continuing the “let’s stay warm” theme we opted for an indoor fitness session tonight to finish off and I led everyone through a stretch session to iron out arms, hamstrings and backs after a very physical task. A very good start to the week.

We’ve got a midweek task helping FoodCycle to deep clean their Westgate kitchen, and three community missions over the weekend! Get involved if you can.

Report written by Anji Andrews

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Anji Andrews
Led by Anji Andrews

Area Activator at GoodGym Newcastle. Coach, runner, wife. I wrote a book once and I talk about that quite a lot.

GoodGymers helping out
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    • Aimee

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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