
Community mission

Ever cleaned!

11 GoodGymers made their way to help the Real Junk Food Project in Brighton.

  • Will South
  • Juliet O'Brien
  • Rob Ward
  • JC
  • Brighton runner
  • Philippa
  • Sarah Katharine
  • Jane Dallaway
  • Liam
  • Jack Pooley
Tuesday, 31st of January 2023

Well, well, ... really well astonished we were to find out how shining still was the upper floor that we cleaned two weeks ago. Well, well, ... really well done Good Gymers! Easy job done, then!? Ehm, what about those hidden corners, skirting, stair wells, toilets, and windows, and cabinets, and...
Heigh-ho!! There is always something more we can do to help the Real Junk Food Project in the Gardener community Cafe' so centrally located in the heart of the Brighton North Lanes. So, more we did!! A fantastic group action of 11 Good Gymers with the (user-) friendly support of "Henry" (The Hoover) turned this cafe' in a never-ever-been- so-clean one.... almost :-) Congrats Liam getting his first good deed with Good Gym Brighton! And, welcome backJack and Will who relocated from London already thinking how to join Good Gym coached runs to visit an older person in Brighton.

Sadly, visiting Jcand Geraldine have announced that their “life in Brighton” is ending soon, but there is a promise of “Au revoir’ cake at our next Tuesday session:
Sign-up now to reverse a bite ;-)

Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO

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Friday February 3rd, 2023 17:38

Hi Everyone due to today train strike im staying in Brighton tonight so ill go to east Brighton parkrun tomorrow if anyone fancy joining me (im partial to coffee and cake after)

Sarah Katharine
Sarah Katharine
Friday February 3rd, 2023 22:52

Hiya, I am hoping to do that Park Run too! Never never good at getting there on time but will try!

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Double YMCA Garden action

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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