
Group run

Can you beleaf it!

8 GoodGymers made their way 7.1km to help the Sustrans Rangers Sheffield in Sheffield.

  • Jono Sutton
  • Tom Mutton
  • Sheffield runner
  • Sergiu Radu
  • Ines
  • Tarj
  • David Cross
Monday, 11th of December 2023
Led by Tom Mutton

It was the last official GG SHF run for 2024!

What a year it's been with plenty of tasks and good being done.

For our last group run of the year we were helping Sustrans with some very much needed leaf clearing of the path up at Manor way.

The path is a really good quality one and very wide compared to most active travel infrastructure, however the first chunk of the path is under trees which whilst beautiful does present leaf issues at this time of the year.

Never fear, GG are here!

We met with Sustrans Simon who already had tools neatly laid out ready for us to get stuck straight in with brooms, snow shovels and spades to move the soggy leaves from the path to make it safe and more appealing for all users.

We had some cyclists whilst there and if they weren't so stunned by our lights on the path and the sterling clearance we had provided I am sure they would have thanked us unreservedly.

Well folks, that's a wrap, hope you all have a fantastic Xmas and New Year and see you in 2024!

Happy running :)

Report written by Tom Mutton

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Tom Mutton
Led by Tom Mutton

Sheffield Area Activator. PT, England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness & Tutor.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Sheffield runner

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Heeley People's Park - Preparing for the Handlebards!

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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