
Group run

Call of Beauty

10 GoodGymers made their way 5km to help the B-inspired in Leicester.

  • David Snutch
  • Leicester runner
  • Jeanette Douglas
  • Jimmy Mitchinson
  • Stu Coe
  • Nick Pryke
  • Leicester runner
  • Sarah
  • Simone Porter
  • Kimberley Angell
Friday, 8th of December 2023
Led by Sarah

10 Goodgymers braved the cold start and headed over to B-Inspired Food Bank where our task today was to create beauty bags to gift to those in need in Braunstone. Fantastic turn out again for our second seasonal task. One of our new members from when we launched exactly 1 year ago, came along too Simone, pleased to hear you enjoyed your-elf.

Greeted by Nigel, he very quickly got the hot drinks order in and showed us to the pantry with 100's of Beauty products that had been donated. Nigel set us with the task of 50 bags to start with, the Goodgymmers cracked on, with Jimmy and David head of the table it was a fast production line and high on quality control too. Bags being passed down the line and each Goodgymmer quickly adding their product, with Simi at the end lining up the finished products, we were on a roll!

Before we knew it 50 bags were complete. With more time to give and more hands making for much lighter work the beauty supplies were topped up and more bags created, at least another 50, we were surrounded by beauty bags with no escaping before our group pic.

Fantastic efforts team and brilliant photos taken by Mel and Nick, B-Inspired pass on their thanks and they look forward to seeing us again soon, weldone all.

Report written by Sarah

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Led by Sarah

Area Activator for Leicester loves running, cycling and recently swimming maybe a triathlon is on the cards.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Nick Pryke
    • Leicester runner
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Jimmy Mitchinson

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Summer pick-me-up!

Friday 10:30 - 12:00
Led by Sarah
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre

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