
Group run

Helping Incredible Edible Lambeth - Thank You Mulchly !!

5 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Incredible Edible LEAP in Lambeth.

  • Yianny
  • Michael Welsh
  • Charlotte Emms
  • Tilly Baker Hine
  • York runner
Tuesday, 30th of January 2024
Led by Yianny
he / him

It was a chilly but thankfully dry evening yesterday as the team gathered at Papa's for the last group run of the January Challenge!

As 7pm approached there was still only AA Yianny at Papa's and so he was starting to wonder if anyone was going to join but a flurry of activity saw Louise closely followed by Charlotte come bursting in. Michael also joined bang on time and Orsetta from IEL came in to tell us all about the composting project and how we can support it.

This evening's category was if you were a work of art, what would you be and why - and we had some great answers so clearly some very highbrow individuals this evening ;0)

Because of the location of one of the compost bins we decided to split the group, AA would head with Tilly to the Effra Road estate then loop back to Loughborough Junction to meet the larger group who were doing the Brixton loop coming in the opposite direction.

The work is fairly simple and very satisfying, run to a bin, grab the mixing stick and give it a good going over to turn and break down the compost.

We will continue to support the project through till its conclusion in May however we are looking forward to launching the 'Adopt a Bin' initiative so if you live near one of the bins and are able to pop over and give it a turn every week or so please do sign up - more details to follow on the WhatsApp group & Weekly Email.

Once all was said and done we regrouped back at Papa's to enjoy a crisp non-alcoholic brew (see pics) from GoodGym's new partner Athletic Brewing Company - many thanks for supplying us with a refreshing end to our run!

Thanks everyone, see you next time!

Report written by Yianny

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Led by Yianny

Area Activator for Lambeth, LiRF Run Leader, predominantly held together by string and tape!

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Helping Out the Pulross Centre Tuesday's Group Run !!

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Yianny

Papa's Park

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