
Community mission

Birthday cake and Breakfast Boxes

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Breakfast Battery Boxes in Luton.

  • Lizzy Burch
  • David Mansfield
  • Gill
  • Martin R
  • Duncan
  • Abim Adejumo
  • Kamal
Saturday, 27th of May 2023
Led by Martin R

7 Luton Goodgymers supported voluntary community group Breakfast Battery Boxes as they prepared for the May half term. This community group provide boxes of breakfast food items to families who need a little extra help during the school break. We built the boxes and filled them with all the items on Breakfast Battery Boxes shopping list. The team were so efficient that we even had time stop for a cake and a cuppa to celebrate a birthday with our very own Duncan . Happy Birthday Duncan 🎂 🥳 🎉

Report written by Martin R

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Martin R
Led by Martin R

GoodGym Luton Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
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    Check the documents of GoodGymers applying for a DBS

    • David Mansfield

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