
Group run

Almost tree-pull the attendance!

14 GoodGymers made their way 2.0km to help the St. Mary's Church in Ealing.

  • Mike C
  • Claire
  • Ealing runner
  • Ealing runner
  • Arran
  • Ealing runner
  • Ealing runner
  • Sevan
  • Kash
  • Cam
  • Hammersmith and Fulham runner
  • Madhan
  • StephDucat
  • Emmanuella Contopoulou
Tuesday, 22nd of August 2023
Led by Kash

Our GoodGym has a fantastic history of working with St Mary's Church in South Ealing. We haven't been to their church garden for a while. Someone had to make a move and make things happen. That person was Milly. She got back in touch with Vicar Steve and organised a gardening task for us. Result?

14 Ealing GoodGymers weeding, chopping, cutting and pulling trees - that's a 2023 record! 🥳

Today's session featured:

  • A welcome to Arran and Louise 🎉 (the latter we had already met at Pitshanger junior parkrun) to GoodGym Ealing - a welcome with a twist! Both of them have been already doing group sessions in Ealing back in 2018, so they should be really welcoming the rest of us! 😆
  • Comebacks of Ben and Cam who rushed to the group run so much that the GoodGym logo of his red t-shirt couldn't match his pace and was left behind. We are sure it will catch up with Cam before his next group run
  • The usual suspects: Claire, Mike and Milly
  • Cyclists: Emmanuella, Madiha and our Hammersmith friend, Divya
  • Runners: Steph, Sevan, Kash and already mentioned Ben who all ran through Walpole Park and around Lammas Park to the church - it was a lovely run in the late afternoon sun 🌞
  • Madhan who walked to the task which earned him his own category on this list!

Milly and Ben volunteered to help inside the church move boxes with documents. The task involved heights and climbing a ladder. Our heroes' skills could match the Horsenden mountain goats, so no one fell down. Steph and Mike were taken on a special expedition to cut back a large tree. The rest of the group stayed in the main garden area that was troubled by weeds.

Our main enemies were:

  • Sycamore tree saplings - they grew from the seeds fallen from the nearby adult trees and covered the area like a carpet. We had to remove them with the roots while they were still young before they all turned into full-sized trees!
  • Brambles - Ealing is already full of brambles. Why would they hesitate to enter the land of a holy building?
  • Bindweed - there was surprisingly little of that bad boy but pulling it was satisfying as usual!

In an hour we transformed the area, making the weed blanket disappear and the clear ground reappear. We made space for the native perennial plants to thrive. Steve was pleased with our efforts and was sure our work will help the area's biodiversity.

After we transported all the garden waste to the back of the church garden, it was time to...

go to the pub!

...but then an alternative appeared:

who would like to do a fitness session first?

There were seven takers for the fitness. They were served an easygoing core workout with a focus on the lower back, followed by musical planks. The latter was a brutal survival game in which the players enter a grassy arena and run around cones accompanied by classical music. When the music stops, a person who cannot find a cone to plank in front of is out of the game. Did I mention burpees as the penalty? Ealing was by Hammersmith's plankiator Divya who earned the title of the King of Planks.

The fitness session was so absorbing that the group that exercised showed up a the pub too late to mingle with the original party crew. Nevertheless, they stayed for a quick one and enjoyed the still warm August night in the pub garden 🍻.

Next week we are running to Acton to flyer for the Reduce & Recycle Hub.

A week after, at the group run, we tackle a task similar to the one at St Mary's but for a new church - St Andrews Church and its community centre! It is 5 minutes walk from Ealing Broadway. Check it out here.

Report written by Kash

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Led by Kash

Running? Lifting? I'll do that only for GoodGym.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • StephDucat
    • Madhan
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Madhan
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • StephDucat

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Summer Shrubbin' at Lammas Orchard ❤️🌳

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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