

A positeave shopping

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Camden.

  • Madhan
Sunday, 25th of June 2023

Miss.F usually expects a phone call an hour before the actual mission so that she can prepare the list if she hadn't yet. But today I had a problem with my network and couldn't call her before the mission start time at 14:00.

Miss.F was happy when I answered the doorbell. I had my fingers crossed that the lift would work today. After reaching Miss.F's house by the stairs, Miss.F said there was a problem with her phone as well.

Her phone was in silent mode and asked me how to remove those settings as she couldn't hear when the phone rang. I guess she is having an iPhone 5/6. Unfortunately, I have never used iPhone. But I know how to use Google. Having to move the physical switch to the other side was all it needed. I felt like I have completed the mission then and there.

You are a clever one aren't you - Miss F . Said three times on multiple occasions

Miss.F wanted to buy a specific tea bag but didn't know the brand and didn't have the package as well. I used my Googling skills again and found the specific tea bags that she had.

We went through the list as usual and couldn't get fresh battered Haddock this time as well. There is a French wine that Miss.F wanted to buy. I tried my best to scan through the wine aisle and couldn't find that either. They must have taken that off the shelf. Shopping done bought 90% of the items from Waitrose. Got the butter and tomatoes from Tescos.

I used the lift this time to transport the groceries. It worked 🥳

Like previous time, Miss.F gave me two clementines to eat on my way to another shopping mission in the Surrey Quays

Report written by Madhan

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FRIENDLY GROUP SESSION!! 💚 Finishing Touches to Our Redecoration Efforts at the Brady Arts Centre!!

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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