
Group run

Paint Misbehavin'

5 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help their local community in Lambeth.

  • Yianny
  • Dawn Gibson
  • Michael Welsh
  • Charlotte Emms
  • Will R. Carpenter
Tuesday, 6th of June 2023
Led by Yianny
he / him

We do enjoy a series at GG Lambeth and tonight was installment 3 of the GG x Blind AId Saga. It's a story for the ages, think Game of Thrones meets Treme meets M* A* S* H.... Or in fact nothing like any of those, just a great task to make a real difference.

A little crew of 5 of us set off from Papa's having discussed our favourite Board Games (Azul, Twister, Articulate, Trivial Pursuit, Catan) with Dawn even managing a quick round of her favourite game with the group - how very meta!

With Michael still in Marathon prep mode we did a little extra distance on the way over to Little Portugal so that he could get close to his 5km target for the evening and were there in plenty of time to get stuck in to our painting.

5 people in one room with furniture led to a game of its' own of the style of Tetris meets Crystal Maze, the first part being done well however Charlotte if the goal was to avoid touching the wet paint would have been locked in the room!

Plenty of collaboration went on with small roller being swapped for paint brush and big rollers handed around so everyone had the right tool for their circumstance, and by the end of the task the room was looking much brighter (although a bit of snagging still required).

Will absolutely smashed a) being tall and b) the washing up of the equipment at the end so loads of brownie points for that and then we were off for a quick run back to base.

I'd say there is one more of these to get everything sorted so well done all and see you at next week's run.

Report written by Yianny

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Michael Welsh
Michael Welsh
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 11:00

Thanks to all for the 'extra' km to and from the task, very helpful indeed. I ran 2km down the Brixton Road to Oval Station to complete my training run for the day. 😎👍🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️👟

he / him
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 13:53

Nice one Michael!!

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Led by Yianny

Area Activator for Lambeth, LiRF Run Leader, predominantly held together by string and tape!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Michael Welsh

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Helping Out the Pulross Centre Tuesday's Group Run !!

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Yianny

Papa's Park

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