
Group run

5,4,3,2,1 STOP ✋

7 GoodGymers made their way 6.6km to help their local community in Woking.

  • Woking runner
  • Wayne
  • James McCloud
  • Rebecca McAlees
  • Kirsty Raynes
  • Lauren
  • Julie
Wednesday, 28th of February 2024
Led by James McCloud

This evening James led an interval training sessions at the park.

Myself, Kirsty, Lauren, Mark, Julie, Rebecca and Anne all attended.

Rebecca was delayed slightly at work but still completed the full session 💪🏻.

Adam was busy taking part in the vertical rush charity run up tower 42. Adam completed the run in a fantastic time of 08:41👏🏽

In total this evening we did 30 times 45 second runs with 15 second rest after two warm up laps around the park 🏃🏻‍♂️💨

This was Laurens first run for a while and she did fantastically well, as did the whole group.

We were very pleased to welcome Mark, who is a member of the public and he joined in as he wants to improve his fitness. We are hopeful we can encourage him to join as a member and see him again.

Next week we are back at Foodwise to give the place a 2nd coat of paint, and we will be meeting at the leisure centre and running together as a group.

Hope to see you all there. Regards Wayne

Report written by Wayne

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Woking runner
Woking runner
Thursday February 29th, 2024 20:29

Merci Wayne, great report and photos!

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James McCloud
Led by James McCloud

GoodGym Woking Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Wayne
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Wayne

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Woking Food Bank

Thursday 19:00 - 20:00
Led by Wayne
Woking Leisure Centre

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