Winter Solstice Sunrise Run and Breakfast!

Welcome the sunrise on the shortest day of the year
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Winter Solstice Sunrise Run and Breakfast!

Welcome the sunrise on the shortest day of the year
Julie IngeSallyann HardwickJo GSophie McClellanAditya AHeetuPauline Harrison

Visitor Centre

Otterspool Road


L17 5AN

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Friday 22nd December 2023

8:15am - 10:15am

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About this session

Continuing our tradition of a Winter Solstice Sunrise run and breakfast! We're making the most of the limited daylight and celebrating that from now on, the days will start getting longer again. And what better than to meet your GoodGym pals at sunrise to reflect on the year just passed!

We'll be meeting at Otters cafe on Otterspool Prom at about 8.15 am for a social ~3- 5k (depending on what the group prefer) out-and-back run/walk along the riverside, followed by breakfast at the cafe at about 9am. If you just want to join for breakfast, that's fine but please let us know so we aren't waiting in vain for you at the start of the run/walk. Likewise you are welcome to just come along for the run.

What to look out for

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety for taking part in a GoodGym session.

Ema Quinn
Led by Ema Quinn (She/her)

(she/her) Liverpool Area Activator, mountain hiking beach wanderer at heart, a surprised runner, and wild swimming wannabe.

Who's going?
Pauline Harrison
Aditya A
Sophie McClellan
Jo G
Sallyann Hardwick
Julie Inge
Emma Nibbs


Visitor Centre

Otterspool Road


L17 5AN

Get directions

Tea/coffee will be available afterwards, in the visitors centre.

Next to Miller/Carter Steakhouse restaurant.

Comments and questions

Comments are a good place to ask any questions you may have about the session.

Please note that comments written here are publicly visible: avoid posting private information such as your mobile phone number.

If you have a question you would like to ask privately, you can email the GoodGym Liverpool area activator, Ema Quinn (She/her), .