Sunday 14th July 2024
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Danica Priest (She/her)
5 Goodgymers made their way to Belfast Walk Community Garden in Knowle West to help them get rid of the weeds that have been growing on the path. We were lucky with the weather because it was a beautiful sunny Sunday. Simon, the caretaker of this amazing community space, showed us where to weed and what tools to use and we started right away.
It was satisfying pulling up the roots and after about 90 minutes the section of the path we were working on was pretty much weed free. After we cleaned up the weeds and Simon showed us pictures of what the space looked like before the community transformed it. It’s incredible what they have done and how different it looks now. We hope to be back soon hep out with more tasks.
Sun 14th Jul 2024 at 8:39pm
Great title 🙂
Mon 15th Jul 2024 at 9:39pm