Tuesday 5th November 2024
Report written by VaguelyNorthernDarren
Six GoodGymers helped Sparks make the store even sparkkier for Christmas. We welcomed Rosie for her very first task and she got in to the Christmas spirit with Janka and Alexis decorating the tree with massive bows. Dave, Jason and Vaguely Northern Darren were told to cluster the paper snowflakes in the ceiling tiles, and after initial success, were thwarted by thin string and loose tiles! A quick addition to the strings by the more than capable paper snowflake making engineers, we completed the task faster than you could recite Santa's raindeers names.. Rudolph, dasher, comet, blitzen, prancer...See, that quick! All done (and I'm reliably informed that the decorations are all still up! (and not just the ones Lexi came over to do when she saw we were struggling! We love going to Sparks and hope to be back soon, unless the toaster needs moving!
Sparks is a vibrant, positive venue where visitors can explore what a greener, fairer and more creative future looks like. Sparks brings organisations and individuals from across the city together to pilot new ways to better serve our community and address the climate, ecological and cost of living crisis. We'd love you to get involved in this unique project located in the heart of Bristol, in the old M&S building on Broadmead.
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