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4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Mikhail Amran
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Monday 23rd October 2023

Report written by Mikhail Amran

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A group of GoodGym volunteers descended upon the Borough Food Cooperative. Led by the intrepid Clive, the GG team included Emma, Louise, AJ, and Mikhail. Another volunteer, the ethuasiastic Jenny, also joined the fray.

Mikhail was pleasantly surprised to see Clive, whose son he had taught last year!

The team was tasked with sorting and stocking the cooperative's shelves, which were overflowing with fresh produce, canned goods, and other delicious treats. Louise and Mikhail tackled the lettuce with gusto, while Emma focused on the spinach and potatoes. AJ, the master stacker, arranged the tins and ginger biscuits in perfect order. Jenny, the enthusiast, was everywhere at once, helping out wherever she could.

The team worked hard for two hours, and by the end of the evening, the cooperative's shelves were looking spick and span. The volunteers were tired but happy, knowing that they had made a real difference in the community.

Session Leader
This task supported

The food cooperative provides members with low cost food to help reduce food bills and tackle food insecurity. It also reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away.

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Mikhail Amran
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Setting up market stall for SE5 Forum Camberwell
🗓Today 9:30am

Acts as a network hub for the local community and highlights the work of the forum bringing attention to local issues.

Lindy MacfarlaneElsie
2 GoodGymers are going - no space left 😢

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