I’m weeding in the rain ☔️ just weeding in the rain ☔️

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Kingston upon Thames
Claire Dunne
Rob Haworth
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Kingston upon Thames

Saturday 21st October 2023

Report written by Claire Dunne

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A bit of rain was not going to deter the hardy GoodGymers from finishing the GoodGym flowerbed ready for winter.

Tools collected we started off clearing the leaves and weeds with very long roots.

Nearly an hour in we were joined by Sam who volunteers in the garden. Rob then collected some more woodchip whilst Julie and Claire spread it around and Sam finished off the weeding.

The rain had eased off and the sun had come out so Trevor joined us from the Canbury Garden volunteers and helped us put the fence in. It was a team effort feeding the wire through the holes trying to avoid it kinking but we got the job done.

As we finished up and admired the flowerbed the heavens opened again so we all headed off a little soggy for our lunch.

Great work everyone 🌟 the extra time spent on the fence made a great difference.

Session Leader
This task supported
Canbury And Riverside Association (CARA)
Working to protect and enhance our local community
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Claire Dunne
Rob Haworth
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Kingston upon Thames

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3 GoodGymers are going - 5 spaces left! 👀

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