Hoes N’ Roses, and Video Hasn’t Killed the Radio Star!

20 Goodgymers helped their local community in Swindon
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Tuesday 30th April 2019

Report written by Tracey C

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Well weren’t we a lively bunch this evening! Even the prospect of no post-run coffee because we were ousted from our meeting place by a certain chart topping boy band couldn’t dampen our spirits. There was a twist on the getting-to-know-you question and we introduced the person to our left with a compliment of loveliness – this was easy! Less easy was completing a Crazy Legs warm-up routine and more than one person got feedback on their unruly body parts. Names (and body parts) have been omitted to protect the innocents!

This week we went to the beautiful Christ Church, which has one of the finest peals of ten bells in the country (if our very own bell ringer Teresa says so then it must be true!), to do a bit of weeding in the rose garden.

We were given a good selection of trowels, forks and hoes to tackle the weeds between the prickly rose bushes, which provided much material for jokes that can’t be repeated here! Amongst the roses were memorial plaques and clearing the weeds meant that it was prettied up and they could be seen more easily by visitors.

With the general consensus that the lovely Charles and his red t-shirt have had far too much publicity for one week, there were cunning attempts to obscure him from the photos. First it was the turn of Jenny’s ponytail followed by a spade in the face by Jo.

Beardy Bloke was caught looking menacing with a gloved hand, holding a pointy tool very near to Carly’s head while she was distracted by a low down weed. More worryingly, we know those gloves were not returned at the end of the night. Has anyone seen Carly today? Anyone?!

As always we attempted to answer the big questions of the day – why are all images of Stuart running the London Marathon of him eating (well done Superstar!!); is it socially acceptable for the task photographers to take pictures of peoples bottoms (the answer apparently is: only if they are nicely lined up); does Jenny’s ponytail have a life of its own – and other equally highbrow topics. Soon our time was up and the roses were battling it out with a lot fewer weeds. Job done!

Most of the Walkie Talkies and runners headed back and a few excited and slightly nervous ones headed to BBC Radio Wiltshire. We were this week’s guests on Let’s Get Physical – an hour long weekly look at what gets Wiltshire moving with Sue Kinnear and Kelly Morgan.

Sandy Sam spent the run there repeating all the swear words that she was absolutely not (no way Jose, under any circumstances, no siree) going to say.

The fabulous multi-tasking Roo greeted us, took us to the green room and made us all a brew, all in between producing the show – just how does she do that? Helen was in the middle of doing that thing that only girls can do by removing a lower layer of clothing without removing an upper layer when they announced they were ready for us. Eeek! After warm welcomes from hosts extraordinaire Kelly and Sue, mic tests and other technically whizzy stuff, the red lights went on! What a fun hour! We loved chatting about all things GoodGym and spreading the word to all corners of Wiltshire. Not one Wiltshire accent between us so we hope we could be heard loud and clear! We got to choose the final song which was Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush and then our moment of fame was over. We hope we were entertaining as well as increasing awareness and attracting new members and tasks. We consider it a success on account of nobody’s mobile phone went off, nobody swore, nobody accidentally pressed a technically critical button and took us off air, nobody was caught in a state of undress (only just!).

There were no paparazzi waiting for us after our media fame so we were free to get back on the streets for the run home. You can listen to the show here at 1hr 12mins 45 seconds.

Next week we will be running approximately 8km in total to St John's Church and back, home of the Allstars Running Club. We will clean some windows but can also participate in 'Paul's Run', which starts at 7:30pm - a yearly remembrance run for Paul Gee. There are three runs to choose from: 5km, 7km and 10km. We will run, chat and eat cake with other running groups with all donations going to the Prospect Hospice and Cancer Research UK. Participating in Paul's Run would mean running more than 8km that evening, and a later return to the Oasis. There will be a Run Leader available for anyone wanting to return to the Oasis straight after the window cleaning task. We will be meeting at the usual time of 18:00 at the Oasis Leisure Centre; just look out for us in the red GoodGym tops! Click here for more info and to book on!

Session Leader
This task supported
Christ Church
At the heart of Swindon. You are welcome to join us as we share worship and prayer together.

Christ Church is an Anglican Church built in 1851, known by locals as the Old Lady on the Hill. It has a Community Centre in the grounds as well as a Garden of Reflection for visitors.

See more
Paul Bonner
Helen Saville
Mike Oakes
Emma Sperring
Emily Mc
Ashleigh Netherton
Jo O'Leary
Kirsty Williams
Teresa Sugden
Samantha Biggs
Richard Curtis
Alethia Reid
Andrew Pitts
Tracey C
Sam Coxon
Jenny Scarff

Discuss this report
Emma Sperring

Thu 2nd May 2019 at 10:18am

Another funny and fabulous Run Report! Thanks Tracey! X

Jo O'Leary

Thu 2nd May 2019 at 10:20am

Jo O'Leary

Thu 2nd May 2019 at 10:21am

Fabulous! Great job Tracey! 🥰🥰

Helen Saville

Thu 2nd May 2019 at 1:01pm

Brilliant!! Thanks for the undressing mention!!🤣🤣


Thu 2nd May 2019 at 11:08pm

Sounds like you had a fun fab evening 😉

Teresa Sugden

Fri 3rd May 2019 at 7:47pm

Oh Tracey, you make me laugh! What a great report, well done! 🙌❤️