Freestyle shopping.

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Westminster

Saturday 20th April

Report written by Nick Moore

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As this was Ms B's first GoodGym shop, she wasn't sure of the exact process - thankfully she'd drawn up a list of her essentials, but explained that she hadn't put any quantities next to any of the items as she would leave that up to me to decide based on the cost of the items and the amount of money that I had (and how much I could carry...). She was though keen to ensure I didn't go overboard with the items at the start of the list and not be able to afford those at the end.

With all this in mind, it was a case of needing some diligent mental arithmetic at her local Waitrose to ensure I did as instructed. Fortunately the shopping part proved reasonably straightforward - and with time in hand, I went in search of a particular brand of toothpaste at Boots and her other local pharmacies that Ms B had also asked for, but sadly without success.

Nick Moore

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