Saturday 20th January 2024
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Liz Bennett
The start of Storm Isha didn't stop 4 GoodGymers getting stuck into helping Urban Green clear a very overgrown space at Elswick Park. "See this view across Newcastle & Gateshead?" said Mike (Urban Green). "Well I want us to clear here so we get the same view" (pointing to a forest of overgrown trees & shrubs). 20 minutes in and Aimee, Charlotte, Adam (who I spent the entire morning calling "Damu" - sorry, Adam!) and Liz had already got to see a view...90 minutes later and the full one was there in all its glory. Big shout out to Adam, who only moved to Newcastle 6 weeks ago and has already clocked up 5 GG missions with us. Kudos! As Mike explained, it would take the trees another 15 years to get back to the size they had been. I call that a great job, well done!!
Charlotte and Liz then topped it off with a park litter pick - see the separate reports for that. Our "interesting" items included a golf club and a pair of shoes - but Mike got top trumps earlier in the morning for finding a large and dangerous looking kitchen knife. Thank heavens that's at least one off the streets!
There’s a greener side to our city. A vibrant, more open side. It should be celebrated, Nurtured, Enjoyed by everyone. Our allotments and parks are the lungs of our city. We’re here to breathe new life into them. We are Urban Green Newcastle.
See moreSat 20th Jan 2024 at 11:41pm
Damu or Adam, tis all the same :D
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