All wrapped up...for (next) Christmas

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Tower Hamlets
Nick Moore
Keri Arrindell
Simon Hempenstall
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Tower Hamlets

Wednesday 2nd June 2021

Report written by Nick Moore

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An unexpected return visit to the Crisis Warehouse on a warm Wednesday evening to help Crisis project managers Anna and Taidgh with the final 20% of the "stuff" still in the warehouse that needs moving from the various far reaches of the building to the main entrance in preparation for trucks to collect later this month.

Anna guided Keri, Heinrich and I to the upstairs area above the old call centre to initially move three full cages of stationary and other items down the stairs (empty cage, move all contents down the stairs, then refill same cages at ground level...) before moving into a small office to empty that of all its contents.

Taidgh armed Becky and Simon with power drills to de-whiteboard the various rooms, and gave Grit and Simon H the furniture moving shift, putting big lockers onto pallets and then getting them wrapped in the heavy duty clingfilm...everyone's favourite (slightly manic) task.

Inevitably we all then converged on helping each other with the various shifting, wrapping, rolling, caging, lugging and palleting in the area at the back of the building - when the peace was disturbed by Anna firing up the forklift to do the real heavy lifting of the pallets.

Clearly there's still more to do (this Warehouse truly is the gift that keeps on giving...), so the team coming on Friday will have their hands full, but as always the Crisis team were grateful for everyone's help...and it was still light and warm outside when we left.

Session Leader
This task supported
Crisis at Christmas Warehouse
The national charity for homeless people.

Crisis work directly with thousands of homeless people every year. They provide vital help so that people can rebuild their lives and are supported out of homelessness for good.

See more
Nick Moore
Keri Arrindell
Simon Hempenstall
Join us on our next session

Tower Hamlets

Saturday morning session at The Felix Project's Poplar depot
🗓Today 9:30am

A great start to your weekend!

RebeccaJoannaLoboSander Heinsalu
4 GoodGymers are going

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Tower Hamlets runner

Thu 3rd Jun 2021 at 12:33pm

The Scream Room!!! What an advert for volunteering at Crisis 🙀

Tower Hamlets runner

Thu 3rd Jun 2021 at 12:37pm

I realised I was wearing me Christmas pudding socks, can’t believe we didn’t get a photo - next time!