0 Month Streak
2 Month Streak
Block or report Tabitha Hrynick
Tue 20th Aug at 6:15pm
Brighton Report written by Jane Dallaway
Five of us met at the Queen Victoria's statue and headed to the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership Community Kitchen, where we joined the rest of the GoodGymers. Jo, our task owner, told us about the family community cooking classes they’ve been running all summer to support Brighton & Hove's funded Holidays Activities and Food programmes to beneficiary children and young people who learned how to make simple, healthy and delicious homemade dishes.
Our job tonight was to clean up the kitchen and make it extra welcoming for the final class on the day after.
We were joined by Tabitha, who’s soon moving to Amsterdam, and Carla, who’s also leaving Brighton soon. It was great to have them with us, and they worked hard to make the kitchen shine. If this was our last time seeing Tabitha, we wish her all the best and thank her for everything she’s done with GoodGym ❤️. We look forward to seeing Carla again before she goes 😉.
After a good scrub, the kitchen was spotless and ready for the coming up grand finale of the family cookery class, happening the day after! We got to tick those tasks off the to-do list—a job well done! 🎂
Brighton GoodGym,Bravo!
Do you know that....
As GoodGym volunteer you can participate to cookery classes with a GoodGym discount code. Furthermore, we could attend a 6-week cookery course at the B&H Community Kitchen by accompanying people they support, as referred by TogetherCo. This is an exemplar GoodGym’s mission that could help isolated people to build up routine and feelings of confidence.
For more information, ask our GoodGym Area Lead, Stefania and email hello@togetherco.org.uk
Tue 6th Aug at 6:15pm
Brighton Report written by Philippa (She/her)
GoodGym Brighton made a heroic return to Somerset Point, where we have contributed various tasks over the years to keep their garden looking fresh.
On this sunny August evening, we met at the usual spot and began our efforts by running up an epic hill to reach our destination. The task tonight: weeding. The tool shed: open. The snails: everywhere.
Juliet and Sherman took charge of the shears and dealt with some unruly bushes round the front (ooer), ensuring that access to the building was kept clear for people with limited mobility. The rest of us got stuck into the weeds that seemed to have sprung up in every available space. It always amazes me how rapidly a big group of people can make a big difference to a task like this, and we left Somerset Point looking remarkably neater than when we arrived.
To finish up, we jogged down to the seafront for a sunset run. After assuming single file formation, we executed a straightforward workout in which the person at the back sprinted to the front, while the rest of us jogged continuously. Edel workshopped some bootcamp-style chanting to take this to the next level (although I'm not sure it was possible for us to look any cooler). Finally, we had a collective stretch in the last of the sunlight, before making our way to the pub for a well deserved cold beverage.