Serafina Rowden


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Serafina Rowden
Serafina Rowden completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym. 🤩

Thursday 20th June

High 5

High 5

Serafina Rowden completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym.

Serafina is a now a pretty committed GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the fifth time

Serafina Rowden
Serafina Rowden went on a community mission

Wed 19th Jun at 6:30pm

Hoe we go again!

Nottingham Report written by Rachel Levick

We returned to the Windmill Community Gardens last night for the second week running, with a bumper 9 GoodGymers in the group (one of our best attended sessions).

This time we were met by Carley who gave us a tour of the gardens and told us about all the amazing initiatives that go on there. This includes the beautiful space dedicated to the Growing Forward scheme which supports people in Nottingham to improve their mental and physical wellbeing through gardening activities. Even those of us who had been there before saw spaces we never knew existed!

Once the tour was complete, our task was to remove weeds from some of the paths in the main section of the garden to make them look tidier and more ‘path-like’. Each armed with a hoe, we set to work tackling the weeds – ‘decapitating not digging’, as we had learnt the previous week. As we were all working in close proximity on this task, the conversation flowed and the group had a good natter about all things GoodGym and beyond.

To complete the job, we spent the last part of the hour fetching wood chippings to lay on the paths we had cleared. By the time we left the paths looked as good as new!

Earlier in the evening Carley had mentioned that one of the beds contained some edible flowers, so after we had downed tools we couldn’t resist having a little nibble and a photo! We also raided the herb bed (at Carley’s invitation) so several of the group also went home with a selection of herbs.

We welcomed Rosemarie and Vytautas to their first GoodGym session last night, and also Hannah back for her second. Serafina also returned after a few months away travelling.

Next Wednesday is our first birthday party – we hope to see everyone there!

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Serafina Rowden
Serafina Rowden signed up to a community mission.

Wed 19th Jun at 6:30pm

Evening gardening at Windmill Community Gardens wk2

To help keep the gardens nice for the local community

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Rachel Levick
