

Good Deeds

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Rob went on a community mission

Sat 6th Apr at 1:00pm

Green Digging

Richmond Report written by Richmond runner

We were re-wilding St Mary Magdalene churchyard and burial grounds. These burial grounds have been decommissioned a long time ago, but Ken still gave us diggers a warning, that it is unknown how many graves are still in the ground! Thankfully we didn't need to dig too deep and it was just a small patch, where seeds were strewn across. We will need to see how this patch will look like in the next month. Also, a big welcome to Olivia, who joined us for the first time!

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John Shirley

Sun 7th Apr at 2:31pm

Thanks Monika, and good to meet Olividla

John Shirley

Sun 7th Apr at 2:32pm


Rob signed up to a community mission.

Sat 6th Apr at 1:00pm

Planting a new wildflower meadow habitat

Creating wildlife habitat and a beautiful spot for residents

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Rob went on a group run

Mon 4th Mar at 6:45pm

Are we Susan, or are we dancer?

Richmond Report written by Liz (She/her)

Big congratulations for member Susan who hit 100 tasks, a 4km run, a gardening task AND cake, it was a busy Monday evening for GoodGym Richmond!

Starting at the Tap where Susan was adorned with the celebratory wings and presented with the group card, the group went through a warm-up before heading down to the riverside to cross the bridge and head to St Christopher's.

At the home, the task was to give the front area of the large building a cleanup, something we are very familiar with! The group set about trimming hedges, weeding and sweeping leaves, as well as discovering a very dead Christmas tree that was chopped up to fit into the garden recycling bin and give space for Spring growth in the beds.

The task was completed with a lovely range of cakes that Susan kindly brought along to share, so many that we left some for the young people at the home to enjoy too!

A final run back to the Tap finished off the evening well. Congratulations Susan, 100 complete!

Join us next week for our monthly trip to our sponsored riverside plot, as well as more celebrations, this time for Rosie's 100th!

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Rob signed up to a group run.

Mon 4th Mar at 6:45pm

Helping maintain St. Christopher's Children's Home

Looking after the property at this local children's home

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Rob completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥇

Monday 19th February

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

Rob completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

Rob has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

Rob went on a group run

Mon 19th Feb at 6:45pm

Not a patch on Suze!

Richmond Report written by Liz (She/her)

This week marked a special milestone for Susannah who reached 100 GoodGym tasks! 🥳

The group met at Tap Tavern for an intro, warm-up and to adorn Suze with her ceremonial wings (to match the GoodGym 100 t-shirt design) and give her the card signed by the group and showing some of her 100 highlights. Suze joined in summer 2021 and has carried out tasks in an impressive SEVEN GoodGym areas.

The evening's task took us over the river to St Christopher's where the group prepped the vegetable patch ready for growing season. It was overrun with weeds so there was a lot of digging involved, overseen by wonder Rosie who actually knows what we are meant to do with plants!

45 minutes later and the area was transformed, with some potatoes, brocolli, cabbages, carrots and wild garlic found along the way. The group however opted for less green treats as Suze cracked open the cookies and flapjacks she had brought along. Perfect to get the legs moving again to run back to the Tap!

Congratulations Suze and thank you for all the good you do.

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Rob signed up to a group run.

Mon 19th Feb at 6:45pm

Helping maintain St. Christopher's Children's Home

Looking after the property at this local children's home

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Rob went on a community mission

Wed 3rd Jan at 1:00pm

Sunshine in Sheen

Richmond Report written by Richmond runner

What a pleasure to have the sun shining on this lunchtime mission, where 5 of us did leaflet drops around the East and North Sheen area. This was to share information about the Shooting Stars Christmas tree collection initiative. There are another 2 sessions listed on Thursday (Twickenham) and on Saturday (Richmond). Come and join us!

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Rob signed up to a community mission.

Wed 3rd Jan at 1:00pm

Rob went on a community mission

Fri 15th Dec 2023 at 12:00pm

Christmas ‘Decocrating’

Richmond Report written by Anita (she/her)

Beth, Rob, Susana and Anita spent a Christmassy Friday lunchtime completing the festive ‘decocrating’ of our sponsored plot in Beuccleuch Gardens, Richmond.

Take a Bow Rob and Beth Starting at The Arcade, another 4 silver sashes were tied into bows and added to the wreaths that we had made on Monday’s Group Run Session.

Treemendous Feats of Decocrating by Susannah, Rob, Beth and Anita Inside the Arcade, we took two of the willow withie plant supports that had been made during previous sessions and transformed them into ‘Christmas trees’ using Ivy from Beuccleuch Gardens and decorations that Anita had bought from a car boot sale. Once ‘decocrated’, we carried our baby trees down to The Three Pigeons Plot and dug holes to secure them in place.

Dog (chew) Star A 50p car boot bargain was the star that went up in the Three Pigeons Insect Hotel. Anita was a bit worried that it had more the look of a sparkly dog chew than a ‘star of wonder’. Judge for yourself.

*Incredibaubles * Beth proved adept at untangling ropes of baubles and created a lovely halo of ‘decocrations’ around the dog- chew star.

A fun and rewarding GG Christmas Mission.

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Liz (She/her)

Fri 15th Dec 2023 at 5:01pm

It all looks amazing, what a great lunchtime job by all! ❤️
