

I moved to Oxford in March and have been coming to GoodGym since - thanks for being so welcoming!


Good Deeds

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Doing good since March 2023

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Finding your feet
Easy 10
Starter's pistol
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Hat Doffer
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Rhi (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Wed 22nd May at 6:00pm

Rhi (she/her) completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥇

Wednesday 24th April

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

Rhi (she/her) completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

Rhi has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

Anwen Greenaway
Rhi (she/her) went on a group run

Wed 24th Apr at 6:00pm

The rakes progress

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

With light evenings comes the return of tasks in Oxford's green spaces, and one of our favourites is Aston's Eyot. Tucked between the Iffley Road and the river, the Eyot was a rubbish dump in the 19th Century, but it's now a thriving nature reserve managed by the Friends of Aston's Eyot.

Wednesday's task was nettle removal. Scything and pulling the nettles allows light to get through for wild flowers, and removing them reduces the richness of the soil, which wild flowers prefer. This should all help increase the biodiversity of the area. Scything is always a fan favourite at GoodGym, so there were plenty of volunteers for that task. Henry very competently assembled the new scythe, and Axelle did great work pruning back an elder tree which was getting a little thuggish. Some of the GoodGymers were lucky enough to spot 2 muntjac deer on the way home - it's always surprising and delightful how much nature can thrive yards from busy city streets.

Great work team!

Welcome to GoodGym Emma and Ines.

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Bethan GreenawayAnwen Greenaway
Rhi (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Wed 24th Apr at 6:00pm

Anwen Greenaway
Rhi (she/her) went on a community mission

Sat 9th Mar at 9:45am

Up the river without a paddle

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

We have been teaming up with the Falcon boat club for river cleans for a few years now: a lovely partnership where we have fun, do good for the environment and learn new skills.

Unfortunately, after the wettest February on record, the river conditions weren't safe for less-experienced canoeists this time, so we adjusted our plans. GoodGymers split into 3 teams to tackle the litter on different parts of the Thames Path, with a trio of pro-canoeists on the water collecting the full litter sacks and taking them back to the boat club. We collected a literal tonne of trash, with bikes, shoes, cans, bottles, hub caps, and (fan-favourite) pants all forming part of our stash.

The sun came out in time to enjoy tea and snacks on the boat club terrace at the end.

Great work as always team!

Welcome to GoodGym Jo and Daphne!

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Bethan GreenawayMatt BurtonAnwen Greenaway
Rhi (she/her) signed up to a community mission.

Sat 9th Mar at 9:45am

Rhi (she/her) went on a community mission

Sat 10th Feb at 10:30am

Going for broke

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

Take 11 GoodGymers, give them 2 hours, 5 cedar trees, dozens of bulbs, and a collection of shrubs.

Et voila..,ground and the fence got cleared of ivy, holes were dug and cedar trees planted, spring bulbs got in the ground, half a dozen holly and privet shrubs were planted, plenty of tennis balls unearthed.

The casualties: one fork broken in half (Ben doesn't know his own strength!), one eye had an argument with a holly bush (thanks to Steve for his expert eye wash skills).

Welcome to GoodGym Amy.

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Anwen GreenawayBen GremsonBethan GreenawayJuliaMatt Burton
Rhi (she/her) signed up to a community mission.

Sat 10th Feb at 10:30am

Planting for St Michael's School

Greening up the school environment

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