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Michelle led a GoodGym walking session, leading others to the task to get more good done 🥳

Wednesday 10th July

Walk Leader

Walk Leader

Michelle led a GoodGym walking session, leading others to the task to get more good done

Michelle became a walk leader. Michelle led the way for others to get fit by doing good.

Michelle went on a group run

Tue 9th Jul at 6:15pm

Missing the summer, GoodGym-ers?

Brighton Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO (she/her)

I miss the summer, I really do! Don’t you? Regardless, it was such a great pleasure to be running with other 8 brave GoodGym-ers at yesterday's group session. We also welcomed Mariam, who was not discouraged at all but the rainy introduction to GoodGym Brighton!

Armed with rain cover ☔, weeds scrapers🧹provided by the B&H Tidy Up Team, loppers ✂ and other garden tools borrowed from Brighton Borrowers, we joined forces 💪 with a few other brave volunteers from Round Hill: the community hero Rob, my lovely neighbour Josh and the super active Aurelie from the Sylvan Hall Residents Association.

Together, we managed to clear Cat-Creep (ie the long steep stairway connecting Wakefield Road with Roundhill Crescent, where tods are crossing 🐸), a great length of the pathway of Wakefield Road, and the surrounding of the orchard at the East end of Sylvan Hall, which is aimed to flourish as a secret biodiversity spot of this residential estate. Mariam also managed to save cute snails from the green clearance! 🐌

This was a great and fully appreciated effort! Thank YOU all, GoodGym! Thank you also for helping to save good bread loaves and pasties from being wasted. Hope you enjoyed them for dinner 😊.

To the next one, and to the summer to come (hopefully).

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Michelle signed up to a group run.

Tue 9th Jul at 6:15pm

Round Hill Cats' Creep Community Clear-Up

It will provide a cleaner and obstruction free walkway in the neighbourhood

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Michelle went on a group run

Tue 25th Jun at 6:15pm

Secret Garden beauty

Brighton Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO (she/her)

Delighted by the lovely warm and sunny evening, yesterday’s Brighton GoodGym group session helped the Waterloo Street Community Garden, a secret beauty and well used community space between The Old Market and the Waterloo Street Arch. The Old Market opened in 1828 as a covered marketplace for sales of meat, fish and vegetables, supplying the residential development of Brunswick, which was originally independent from Brighton and Hove village. Now it is an independent mixed-arts venue under the name "TOM – The Old Market".

Last year we helped the Friends of Waterloo Street Community Garden to win an outstanding award from the Royal Horticultural Society in the Britain In Bloom competition. And this year, 11 of us were here again to timely help our friends to maintain the royal title! So, we moved all the pots to clear the area and reach every hidden corner to then join a sweeping fest with brooms and dustpans!

Best of luck, dear friends!

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Michelle signed up to a group run.

Tue 25th Jun at 6:15pm

The Waterloo Street Workout

Helping to keep tidy a well-loved community garden

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Michelle went on a group run

Tue 12th Mar at 6:15pm

School - Out

Brighton Report written by Sarah Katharine (She/Her)

A group of Good-Gymers jogged two miles up an incline to Cardinal Newman School. Meeting the rest of the group there! After we found the entrance we were met by the care taker Pedro who showed us the school gym which needed cleaning. We welcomed two new members Olivia and Hannah and welcomed back Daniela who quickly got stuck in.

Looking at the school website we were in the St Augustine Building which also has a climbing wall - a nice one to discover next time!

We donned gloves and got to wiping and dusting the pretty dusty gym equipment. Some of us who were good at multi tasking managed to use the running machines and clean! We had fun on the balance board. We were impressed with their moto use your muscles not your mouth although we definitely used both!

After we finished up we jogged up a hill to The Dyke Alehouse to enjoy a drink and some chips. Nice meeting here Lucia too!

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Michelle signed up to a group run.

Tue 12th Mar at 6:15pm

School Superstars ✨

Help to keep clean a big school and to make its environment inviting for pupils and staff

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Michelle went on a community mission

Sun 25th Feb at 8:30am

A lark around the park

Brighton Report written by Frances Ruocco

This past weekend, Brighton GoodGym-ers have been running or volunteering while engaging their heart with their friends Susan and Joel in Mind.

Four Brighton GoodGm-ers attended Preston Park parkrun on Sunday in order to volunteer at Junior parkrun. The parkrun was lacking volunteers due to many of the core team running the Brighton Half marathon. So four goodgymers attended and assisted today - 2 as Marshalls, 1 as tailwalker and one as barcode scanner.

It was a cold and dreary day but the sight of all the little ones dashing about with rosy cheeks and big smiles brightened the day a great deal.

We then headed to the course of the half marathon to cheer our fellow mates running and faithing the strong wind, and to bring them some homemade muffins. Thanks Rebecca, your delights were much appreciated.

GoodGym sessions, parkruns and races like the Brighton Half are not just great ways to challenge ourselves and support our fitness goals, but also provide an opportunity to come together and remember friends like Susan and Joel, GoodGym-ers who sadly lost their lives.

Massive thank you to everyone who supported the fundraiser for Mind.

We’re fundraising for Mind because their work supports people like Susan and Joel, providing mental health information, advocacy, and peer support. Since the pandemic, the demand for mental health services has been increasingly overwhelming, and charities like Mind are doing essential work to help keep up.

If you’d like to donate, you can still do so here: https://www.justgiving.com/page/brightongoodgym-halfmarathon2024?utm_term=MqPB5rDjy

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Michelle signed up to a group run.

Tue 6th Feb at 6:15pm

General Cleaning - inside and out!

Making a comfortable and welcoming Community Space

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Michelle signed up to a group run.

Tue 23rd Jan at 6:15pm

January Challenge: Re-Tool-ing at the Brighton Community Workshop

Sorting and cleaning DIY tools for a community workshop project

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