

Good Deeds

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Hat Doffer
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Jules signed up to a community mission.

Sun 7th Jul at 11:00am

Helping Create the Sycamore Academy Nature Trail!

Helping over 500 children get in touch with nature

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Peter Edwards
Jules been cheered 10 times. ๐Ÿฅ‡

Wednesday 3rd July

Hat Doffer

Hat Doffer

Jules been cheered 10 times.

Goodgymers have noticed what Jules has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Jules.

Peter Edwards
Jules went on a community mission

Wed 3rd Jul at 6:30pm

Somewhere Over the Rainbow.... Shelves Will Be Stocked

Nottingham Report written by Nottingham runner

What a successful evening for our very first Starter Session! We're setting up a few of these at some of the places we've visited most over our first year, and they're designed to be extra specially friendly for people who've never come to a session before.

The weather didn't seem to know if it was coming or going, which made our run (led by Peter) particularly fun. He'd prepared lots of funky drills to get us warmed up (and garner a few odd looks from passers-by) before we split into runners and run/walkers so that everyone had a pace to suit them. Only the walkers stopped for a pic with the massive rainbow though!

After we reconvened, slightly soggy, slightly sweaty, we met up with some more GoodGymers and headed inside to find out what Mark had in store for us.

As usual, he was super- organised and had plenty of jobs to keep us busy. Peter started out breaking down cardboard, then joined Bozena and Leah sorting out donations of sheets and bedding to make them more easily identifiable and accessible on the shelves. Bozena and Leah also helped bag up the Winter Kits of socks, gloves, hats, blankets and Cup-A-Soups for the Food Bank to give out later in the year.

Meanwhile, Hannah and Jules were tasked with bagging up food parcels ready for the service users to take home โ€“ a bit like Supermarket Sweep but for a much better cause โ€“ and Rachel, Tom, Rosemarie and Vytautas were on dating donations and getting them onto the right shelves.

We had to cut off a little early as Mark needed to lock up, but we still got a huge amount done โ€“ many hands make light work, after all!

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Peter Edwards
Jules signed up to a community mission.

Wed 3rd Jul at 6:30pm

STARTER SESSION // Helping out at The Meadows Foodbank

Help the foodbank and its staff continue to provide a service to those in need

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Jules went on a community mission

Sun 3rd Mar at 11:00am

Getting the Blues

Nottingham Report written by Nottingham runner

A whole bunch of GoodGymers (including Tracy on her first task!) headed back to Sneinton to help our friend Kathryn with another big job.

This time, we sanded down some of the railings at Lees Hill Park and painted them a very bright and shiny blue.

As the paint was oil-based, we set our smallest GGers to litter picking and sweeping up all the old leaves that had gathered around, in between bursts on the playground, of course.

As always, Kathryn provided some delicious, very well-earned sweet treats and some hot drinks!

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Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Thu 7th Mar at 10:45am

Blue-tiful job on the paintwork ๐Ÿ˜‰
