Jane Flynn


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Help Grow for Life at their annual Apple Day
🗓Saturday 10:00am

📍left turn at the top of the Pennyquick hill. Continue along the road for 100m, then its the turning on left before the high wall that runs along the road. BA2 9DA

Volunteer at this open day at the therapeutic garden and orchard, where the community can learn about the project and how to get involved

Jane FlynnVicky Messer
2 GoodGymers are going - 10 spaces left! 👀
Latest activity
Jane Flynn
Jane Flynn went on a community mission

Tue 24th Sep at 6:30pm

Five Go To Play

Bath Report written by Kate

Five Good Gymers, not Famous, braved an early autumnal evening to My First Steps Nursery, seeking adventure.

On arrival we were greeted by Cathy and given a very quick briefing of tonight’s task: tidy the outside area and possibly weed. Left to our own devices we used our imagination and set to. Kate and Jane started picking up all the larger items casually strewn across the green, however there was treasure to be had! Silver spoons and plastic spades were our bounty which we passed to our team members to assist them with their weeding. I said we had to be imaginative, and in lieu of any adult tools, we had to make do. Ruth did a fabulous job in the baby garden, though the weeds were unfortunately a match for the plastic spade/spoon by the end of the session, it didn’t make it. Meanwhile Richard and Tanya were messing around in the mud kitchen, though not making mud pies for us to enjoy after the task, just a general tidy and weed where silver spoons were also going for the price of gold!

We managed to remove two tubs worth of weeds, and the general area looked a lot tidier, therefore I’d say mission accomplished

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Jane Flynn
Jane Flynn signed up to a group run.

Tue 26th Nov at 6:30pm

Jane Flynn
Jane Flynn signed up to a community mission.

Sat 19th Oct at 10:00am

Help Grow for Life at their annual Apple Day

Volunteer at this open day at the therapeutic garden and orchard, where the community can learn about the project and how to get involved

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Tanya Lock
Jane Flynn
Jane Flynn signed up to a community mission.

Tue 17th Sep at 6:30pm

Deliver flyers for Grow for Life

Encourage the local community to attend Grow for Life's Apple Day and learn more about the project

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Jane Flynn
Jane Flynn went on a community mission

Sat 14th Sep at 11:00am

Thought weed do a good turn

Bath Report written by Jer Boon

The summer season at the walled garden is well and truly over now, and even though this was a beautifully warm summery morning our task was very much an autumnal kind of tidy up.

Basically weeding. Clearing up an overgrown grassy area, and pulling up lots of brambles.

All in all a lovely revitalising session at the beautiful space. Come visit some time 😀

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Jane Flynn
Jane Flynn signed up to a community mission.

Tue 24th Sep at 6:30pm

Helping First Steps Nursery prepare their garden ahead of winter

Improve the children's garden to enable them to enjoy the space

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Jane Flynn
Jane Flynn went on a group run

Sat 7th Sep at 1:00pm

Five Go to Bath City Farm

Bath Report written by Meyrick Williams (He/Him)

Bath City Farm is one of our favourite missions without a doubt, with plenty of adventure to be had for all. This Saturday, five eager GoodGymmers headed off to add additional pages to the story of our contribution there. Welcome to newcomers Katrin and Matt, to whom Meyrick warned them that 90% of the time, a GoodGym mission at Bath City Farm involves manure.

We were joined shortly thereafter by Jane, who additional offered similar manure warnings, as did Stephen when he arrived; piling on the manure expectations.

You can imagine our surprise when were were told by our host for the day, Helen, that this occasion was in the 10% of tasks that are non-manure related. I feel there may have been some disappointment in the ranks at this news but Helen did suggest that if wanted manure, she was sure she could find something for us. We demurred.

The task she did have for us was clearing a patch opposite the mini horses and next to the chickens. There was a rather overgrown area that needed to be made more presentable, and cleared of unwanted plants and weeds. I believe the fundamentalist wing of the 'Horse & Chickens Deserve Better Views' had been lobbying the Bath City Farm Parliament for this with clucks and neighs.

There was a lot to do, but we are GOODGYM and we work quick. It was fairly routine with nothing to report, (after all, what happens at Bath City Farm stays at Bath City Farm), but there were some incidents with the Burdock....

We completed the mission, job done. Hopefully this will reduce the clucking and the neighs from those chickens and mini-horses, and allow the ducks to raise their voices, as I know they have a bill to pass...

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