Tanya Lock


Good Deeds

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Doing good since December 2020

Done a group run this month

19 Month Streak

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GoodGym Runner


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Latest activity
Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock went on a community mission

Tue 9th Jul at 6:30pm

Helen Conner
Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock signed up to a community mission.

Tue 9th Jul at 6:30pm

Deliver flyers for Julian House

Help Julian House raise vital funds for their charity

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Helen Conner
Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock went on a community mission

Wed 3rd Jul at 7:00pm

Mow, mow, mow away gently down the meadow

Bath Report written by Tanya Lock

Two GoodGym-ers and a hanger-on went to mow, went to mow the meadow... and to scythe and rake the recalcitrant bits the mower couldn't cope with. Bare flesh was bitten by horseflies; cowslips were spotted and the scything made their unaccustomed muscles wilt.

A wonderful evening was had in the company of the Friends of Lyncombe Field who lived up to the name with biscuits, advice, training and lots of good chat.

Great to meet newcomer Emma We hope to see you again soon :)

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Helen Conner
Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock signed up to a community mission.

Wed 3rd Jul at 7:00pm

Raking and Hay making with Pitch Forks

Massive help to get this done - we have 5 fields to mow! Raking the cuttings is giving wild flowers a chance to grow and all residents and public love walking thorough here.

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Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock went on a group run

Tue 11th Jun at 6:30pm

We all had a weedy good time

Bath Report written by Helen Conner (she/her)

7 goodymers jogged or walked to the secret garden/cementry looked after by the Bath Preservation Trust in Widcombe. Up a short alley and hidden behind giant gates lies the land that time forgot.

Overgrown with nettles and bind weed, the team began to clear huge sections of the garden to reveal the ancient wall markings indicating where burials lie.

The team did a fantastic job and in no time the area looked so much better!

Fingers crossed for not too much sunshine and showers as the weeds will return with a vengence

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Helen Conner
Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock signed up to a group run.

Tue 11th Jun at 6:30pm

Helen Conner
Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥳

Wednesday 8th May

On a roll

On a roll

Tanya Lock completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym.

Tanya has already done 25 good deeds with GoodGym. Instead of doing anything else, they've used their run to go and help people that need their help; digging, lifting, scraping, clearing, planting and weeding. Stuff that makes this a better place to be.

Helen Conner

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Helen Conner
Helen Conner (she/her)

Mon 13th May at 2:51pm

Congrats Tanya!!

Tanya Lock
Tanya Lock went on a community mission

Tue 7th May at 6:30pm

Ain't no grass high enough

Bath Report written by Helen Conner (she/her)

6 Goodgymers made their way on a lovely, sunny and warm evening to help Trauma Breakthrough with their garden.

The grass was at least knee high in places and we were armed with tools to complete the job. From lawn mowers to strimmers, brushes, weeding tools and loppers.

We had an hour and made really good headway. Clearing a path to the tree so that the groups have somewhere to sit for their sessions and leaving other areas of wild flowers for the insects and environment.

Great job everyone!

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Helen Conner
