Didem Campion


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Didem Campion
Didem Campion went on a community mission

Thu 25th Jul at 6:30pm

A weedy good stretch

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Mandy Driver

Thursday 6:15/ 6:30pm is GoodGym Windsor Night! ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

Tonights community mission was at Spital Cemetery clearing weeds and collecting litter. A first for the Thursday evening session.

Bekah ran to The Binoy for 6:15pm to say โ€œhiโ€ to Jen who was walking and then she ran on to the task to meet the others.

We eventually ๐Ÿคฃ gathered at 6:30pm and the task owner Karen and the local cat showed us the area we we needed to tackle. Got on the classic fm for some calming background tunes.

Our fab GoodGym Team tonight was Gareth (welcome to his first Thursday evening session), Jen, Sue, Mandy , Bekah and Didem.

Gareth and Didem set about doing a quick litter pick on their way to the main area of work.

The weeds had over taken the rose garden of remembrance and with traces of ashes visible we had to be mindful not to disturb these. The weeds had blanketed the whole of the bed and some of the roots were really deep. The thistles had also grown very densely Bekah tried to tackle these but they were a bit to prickly. Hopefully after all our hard week the rose will have some space to thrive and any future scatterings will be much nicer.

Jen volunteered herself for condensing the green waste and then Didem and Jen took the bag down for collection.

After the task we opted for a calming quick yoga session perfect for a cemetery. Not that we were much calmer afterwards as it was just too funny ๐Ÿคฃ Jens classic line โ€œI donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever done yoga in a graveyard before โ€œ๐Ÿคฃ

At the end we did the Windsor curtsy and bow ๐Ÿ‘‘ and said our goodbyes.

Thank you all for coming โ™ฅ๏ธ and Namaste (nah-mah-stay)

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Didem Campion
Didem Campion signed up to a community mission.

Thu 25th Jul at 6:30pm

Spital Cemetery Evening Session Tidy Up

Join local residents to help maintain this beautiful and spiritual place

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Didem Campion
Didem Campion completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. ๐Ÿฅ‡

Thursday 18th July

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

Didem Campion completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

Didem has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

Amy L
Didem Campion
Didem Campion went on a community mission

Thu 18th Jul at 6:30pm

Medium Oak - lovely brown to fit into nature

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Aome of Goodgymers met at the school and some walked from the meeting point. It was a sunny afternoon; great for walking and enjoying summer weather. She school was located on lovely grounds with a forest on the side and it had lots of green area.

We had several jobs to choose from - painting gates, painting outside playroom sets, clearing brambles or pruning bushes around the play area the wood. My first impression was that it looked like a jungle for children - a great place for kids to get mucky and enjoy outdoors.

A herd of cows came to visit us from the woods area. It turned out they had the right to roam all that area. We saw many this summer's calves and cows. They all looked at us as investigating who we were. We did the same in reverse. Then we got back to out tasks - we better got mooo-ving!

It seemed like we had managed to complete quite a lot in no time at all! That colour "Medium Oak" looked so good on the gates and furniture sets.

We returned across the meadow back to the school. The teacher had prepared some juices, water and biscuits for us, which was a lovely touch. We managed to do the flag quiz while enjoying snacks and drinks.

We left the task with a good feeling that we had helped to improve the spacious outdoor area. And we made plans to attend the same session in September. Happy summer day!

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Amy L

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Fri 19th Jul at 7:37am

What a beautiful sunny evening to be out โ€˜playingโ€™. Looks like a brilliant task. Well done Sophie and the team ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Didem Campion
Didem Campion went on a community mission

Fri 12th Jul at 9:30am

Peaceful Clothes-sort

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

An amazing 5 Goodgymers signed up to help the Baby Bank this morning. The expected corporate volunteer group did not turn up, so we had the place to ourselves alongside 4 regular volunteers. It was Didem's first experience at the Baby Bank, and it was great to welcome Carol back for her second. We spent a peaceful morning checking, sorting and putting away, it has to be said, some very cute clothes. Well done, team!

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Amy L

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Sat 13th Jul at 11:02am

Great work team! xx

Didem Campion
Didem Campion signed up to a community mission.

Fri 12th Jul at 9:30am

Helping the Baby Bank

Help provide essentials to vulnerable families

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Amy L
Didem Campion
Didem Campion went on a community mission

Thu 11th Jul at 6:30pm

Van-tastic Clean!

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Didem Campion

This evening we were back helping at the Spencer Denney Centre, the home of Age Concern in Windsor.

Amy and YeลŸim joined us from Maidenhead. Marilyn, Sue, Adam and Didem all met up at the task.

Our task owner provided us with everything we needed to clean the inside of their van. Team first took out all the rubbish left in the van then started hoovering. We soon realised out of the 3 hoovers one was completely full and the other had a blocked head part. Do not fear when you have Sue in the team, she very kindly cleaned the blockage with the help of a toolbox from the centre and Adam kindly emptied the full one.

We spent rest of our time hoovering followed by spraying the dashboards and other bits and bobs before wiping it down.

The inside of the van had not been cleaned for sometime but with a bit of hard work it was sparkling!

Van-derful job team.

Thank you for coming!

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Amy L
Didem Campion
Didem Campion signed up to a community mission.

Thu 11th Jul at 6:30pm

Helping Age Concern to help improve their centre

Improve the experience that users and staff have on a daily basis

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Amy L
Didem Campion
Didem Campion went on a community mission

Thu 27th Jun at 6:15pm

Ivy a lot to do!

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Mandy Driver

Thursday 6:15pm is GoodGym Windsor Night! ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

Tonight we were back at Vale Road Cemetery clearing Ivy, weeds and litter.

We mostly met at the task but Mandy dumped the tools and ran up to walk Jenni from the Binoy.

We had a quick chat, saw what we had to do, put on some chilled classical music in keeping with our surroundings and set to work.

Jenni started with some litter picking before coming over to join Zoe, Marilyn, Mandy and Didem on the far side.

Lots of graves had been covered in ivy and we needed to try and do some preventative measures before it crept over more of the memorial stones.

Marilyn took some higher areas with the loppers. The others took the lower levels.

We had a nice chat about a variety of things while we pruned and tugged away at the Ivy. It was a lovely calm task so after we had tidied up and taken the selfie it was time for the activity cards to energise us for home.

Three rounds of pick a card hopping, standing abs, squats and other quick fitness before saying our goodbyes with the Windsor curtsy and bow ๐Ÿ‘‘

Thank you all for coming x โ™ฅ

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Amy L

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Thu 27th Jun at 10:35pm

Well done team! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช

Didem Campion
Didem Campion signed up to a community mission.

Thu 18th Jul at 6:30pm

Amy L
