

Good Deeds

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David went on a group run

Mon 20th May at 7:00pm

I feel like chicken run-night!

Bromley Report written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Anyone remember the 90โ€™s TV ad?

I get a chick out of you

First up, we named ourselves and our favourite chicken-y thing from creme eggs to spatchcock to the rooster whoโ€™s been waking Catherine up all day!

We also welcomed Mohammed to the crew ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ So great to have you with us.

Our task was a brand new one for the folks at Dorset Road Allotment. Theyโ€™ve got an old and overgrown chicken run which they want removed so that they can use the space for community activities.

We met Jaime and Ann from the committee who equipped us with tools from screwdrivers to bolt cutters to shears and we headed round to the chicken run.

It was huge. Harry was convinced something other than the nettles and brambles lived in there. ๐Ÿ‘น

We cracked on with various tasks:

โœ‚๏ธ Trimming back the nettles and brambles

๐Ÿ›  Cutting the netting down and rolling it up

๐Ÿ’ช Yanking off some big corrugated panels

๐Ÿ“ข Moral support

It was kinda dangerous work but everyone got safely stuck in.

I think Mohammed won the prize for energy input! ๐Ÿ†

A half-dozen kilometres, some beautiful golden hour snaps from Cat, and a good deed in the bag.

Nice one team ๐Ÿ’ช

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Mark Gilyead

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Bromley runner

Mon 3rd Jun at 6:30am

Trasparency: Members were instructed to pick up some tools for this photo op after standing to the side due to attendance numbers being boosted through equally questionable whatsapp information as the previous weeks turnout was low. This created a health and safety issue that seemed be ignored. This PR did improve the employees' career growth however.

David went on a group run

Mon 6th May at 7:00pm

Hundred Dacre Wood Weeds

Bromley Report written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

A fantastic four of us met this evening for some good deeding/weeding at a new task for us!

John, who helps out at Dacre Wood in Sydenham had a pretty mega job for us in the form of a very weedy cobbled path.

Luckily he had just the tools for the job and we cracked on slicing and pulling to get the weeds out of the cracks.

Say crack again.

The team did a cracking job and we cleared the main entrance path. Just a few more sections to go back for another time.

Nicely done everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š

It was also nice to jog past the beds that GoodGymer Tim used to look after. They are still looking beautiful. He would be proud.

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HannahMark Gilyead
David signed up to a group run.

Mon 6th May at 7:00pm

David completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Monday 29th April

On a roll

On a roll

David completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym.

David has already done 25 good deeds with GoodGym. Instead of doing anything else, they've used their run to go and help people that need their help; digging, lifting, scraping, clearing, planting and weeding. Stuff that makes this a better place to be.

David went on a group run

Mon 29th Apr at 7:00pm

A peony for your thoughts

Bromley Report written by Cat

We made our way to South East London Mind last night to help the centre get its therapy garden shipshape for service users to enjoy.

We were quickly set to work:

  • James, Mark and Nick built four planters in record time
  • Catherine, Fi and I de-weeded some raised beds and got a horticultural education in the process
  • Tim got his hands on the litter pickers and made sure that no crisp packet was spared
  • David and James cleared the car park of leaves and other hazards

After about 40 minutes of GoodGyming we ran back to base via Kent House for some wall sits and finished with a sprint finish up the hill to the Bridge House. David proved victorious on this occasion but I have a feeling James will be wanting a re-run soon!

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Bromley runner

Tue 30th Apr at 6:50pm

What a lovely evening - and fabulous photography @Cat!


Tue 30th Apr at 8:26pm

Great job everyone.

David signed up to a training session.

Wed 1st May at 7:00pm

Wednesday Waddle

Running as a group is more enjoyable!

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David signed up to a group run.

Mon 29th Apr at 7:00pm

HannahMark Gilyead
David went on a group run

Mon 15th Apr at 7:00pm

A Thorny Issue...

Bromley Report written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

For this week's issue of GoodGym... Brambles.

We assembled at the Bridge House, welcomed Henrietta to the crew and named ourselves and our favourite tube or train lines.

Then we set off to Albion Millenium Green, where we met Jorella from the friends group who had a prickly task for us.

Ramble in the bramble.

Lots of the lovely bluebells were getting shrouded by overgrown bramble bushes, so our job was to cut them back in a few different areas. Armed with secateurs, shears, saws and even a scythe(!) we got to work trimming and swiping until the areas looked much tidier.

Nice job & jog everyone ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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Mark GilyeadHannah

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Tue 16th Apr at 9:02am

Nice work, everyone!

Henrietta Ashworth

Tue 16th Apr at 11:38am

Lovely to meet everyone!

David went on a community mission

Sat 13th Apr at 9:30am

Mark Gilyead
