Caring for communities and people
Housing charity for homeless 16 - 18 year olds.

40 GoodGymers have supported CCP with 9 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
BournemouthGroup run
Abi Thommes
Andrea FrancisRoss BoonAndy MercerDaryl VennerCaprice McWilliams

Smells Like White Spirit !!

Wednesday 25th October 2017

Written by Daryl Venner

Tonight Bournemouth's newly appointed Run Leader was announced .Well done to Manuel - you are going to be brilliant , we shall miss Andy. Tonight there was a change of leader as Andy was not well hope you get well soon Daryl lead the Run. Well done to Ross and Daryl who took part in the Great South Run last Sunday , all those who are running in the Dark Valley hope the training is going to plan as this is Two weeks away good luck. After a brief warm up and the usual dose of Pandiculation we headed off to the square and up Old Christchurch RD to Horseshoe Common from here we headed to the Landsdowne and st Pauls roundabout and on to Wyndham Rd and our Friends at CCP Youths Home for 16 - 18 year olds .Once there they where very Happy to see us tonights task was to finish off Painting in the Dinning room a table top and wood paneling so the room looks brighter for them.There was a strong smell of white spirit in the room as most of the paint brushes had been cleaned with it windows open soon goes As we spent longer painting we headed back to base the same way as the outward once back we did a warm down and said our good byes Next week we shall be lead by Manuel Andy will be coming along so there will be a few Beers after please try and come along we shall be a good night.

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BournemouthGroup run
Caprice McWilliamsLaurieAmber Moore


Wednesday 2nd October 2019

Written by Bournemouth runner

On the agenda for tonight's group run was: 1. Run

  1. Have fun

  2. Chat lots

  3. Help a charity we hadn't been back to in a long time

  4. Clean lots

  5. Chat lots

  6. Have fun

  7. Run back

And pretty much in that order with the fun part sprinkled in and over most of it!

We were luck that some of our runners brought along some lovely faces to join us this week. Lea was back after some time off and invited her lovely husband Keith along. Keith didn't waste any time on the task and soon had the outside area cleaned of all leaves and cigarette butts! He's definitely a keeper! Give him a cheer!

And as well as having Abi back with us, which is always a bonus, she brought along her yoga buddy Laurie who is just as nice as she is!

Always nice to have friendly, new faces especially when they fit in so well! Well done you two on your first group run and good deed! Hope you join us for many more!

We also welcomed back Mark after three weeks off or so and Chris, who through injury had been forced to stay away from us for almost TWO MONTHS!!!! Not cool at all! But he's making his way back and doing it in a sensible way. Hope your knee held up ok tonight and thank you for all the hoovering you did!!

When we arrived, Paula wasn't there to meet us, as she'd had to shoot off early. So instead, Dave found us all lots of cleaning products and put us to work in the kitchen and pantry. Marianne and Hannah were sorting through food and checking use by dates and trowing out all the stuff that was past it.

Laurie and Mark were climbing high to clean windows and tiles along the top of the worktops in the kitchen. Sarah and Lea were making the stove look like new. Neil and Abi were cleaning and polishing surfaces and Caprice was in the dining room cleaning the walls of tomato marks and other .....stains. Caprice hadn't slept yet from her night shift....and and had run a marathon over some crazy hills on Saturday....hardcore!

We even had a couple of the residents come in to have a look and give it their seal of approval. With everything gleaming and clean and a very happy and grateful Dave we set off back to Flirt. Abi now only one good deed away from 100 and the rest of us feeling pretty good about ourselves too!

Well done everyone!! Thank you Caprice, Chris and Mark for back marking and making sure no one was left behind. Next week is a special one as we head to our local care home to play some board games and cards with the residents. Should be lots of fun and very rewarding experience. Sign up here

We also have a community mission this Saturday at the Sea Cadets, who need our help with waterproofing their boathouse, painting and tidying their offices which get used by lots of community groups. Sign up here for that, and we'll be going for lunch after too!

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BournemouthGroup run
Ross BoonNicole Rosine Henderson SchmidtAndrea FrancisSteve Williams
Daryl Venner

Short Circuit

Wednesday 10th January 2018

Written by Bournemouth runner

This evening we were invited to go and help out at CCP. Upon arrival all our contacts were busy in meetings, but we were lucky to meet Bismarck who promptly showed us the things that needed doing. Some painting and kitchen tidy up was on the cards, but we quickly realised that there wasn't enough work for all 9 of us. ...not to worry, Andrea and Ema teamed up to do some painting the picture below it looks like Andrea is balancing on Ema's shoulders....there is a ladder there I swear! Aby and Ross took the kitchen challenge. Cleaning surfaces and any area they could reach! The others went outside with myself and we did some short circuits. 30 seconds of squats, lunges and star jumps. Then we rotated until we had all done each exercise. Then back inside we went for the swap over. Those painting and cleaning had their turn on the circuit and after that we swapped once more. The second round of circuits included planks, burpees and flamingo balances! I think we all need to work on our one leg balancing...some great form on the star jumps, lunges and planks though!! Well done The gang were great and they enjoyed the circuits, great way to improve our core and help with our running form! It was great to be back with the team and catch up with everyone. Next week our friends at Bournemouth Foodbank want us to go and help them sort through lots of indoor job, so no excuse for you not to join us!!! Stay healthy and happy!

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BournemouthGroup run
Steve WilliamsAndrea Francis
Nicole Rosine Henderson SchmidtCaprice McWilliamsDaryl Venner

Pussy Galore

Wednesday 13th December 2017

Written by Bournemouth runner

This group run were tasked with handing out flyers to as many care homes as possible in Bournemouth. The flyers were for Pause Cat Cafe, who look after 11 rescue cats and invite people to come and have food and drinks and enjoy their company. The Cafe are running a Christmas celebration day for local seniors to come and spend time with other seniors and potentially make new friends, as well as spend time with cats, which they may not be able to spend time with in their care homes. A really lovely idea and we were happy to help that happen!

9 brave runners turned up in the wet and cold...they had the choice of splitting up into two teams where one goes and does an indoor task whilst the other does the flyer drop....and they all wanted to stick together and go for a longer run, despite the rain!! Amazing group of people!

We managed to hit 7 Care homes and get some hill training in along the way...perfect for Caprice and Daryl who are running the Bovington Half this Sunday! Good luck guys, I'm sure you'll be amazing and have a great time! Hope the weather is better for you!

During our run I challenged the group to dodge much so that we decided that the first person to step in one would have to buy the first round of mulled wine after.....yep, I stepped in one first! Typical!!!

We had a lovely time drinking some mulled wine and cider by the ice rink, under some blankets and twinkly lights! A great way to end a very soggy last group run of 2017!

Congrats to Caprice for getting her black GoodGym t-shirt!! Hope to see Aby wearing hers next year too!!

We hope you all come and join us for 2018. First one back is 3rd January, which Daryl will be leading as I won't get back in time from my holiday!


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BournemouthGroup run
AndrewKevin BorrillMatt CheethamAndrea FrancisSteve WilliamsDaryl Venner

Snow White and the 15 Dwarves

Wednesday 6th December 2017

Written by Bournemouth runner

This Wednesday we welcomed 9 new faces! Which sounds like a lot....and it is for us here in Bournemouth! 8 lovely people came along from a company called 3 Sided Cube. Their challenge for December is to do 12 good deeds! We were delighted they chose a GoodGym group run as their first. We hope they complete their challenge but that they also come and hang out with us again! They were all very nice people, mixed running abilities but with brilliant can-do attitudes and managed to keep up the whole way there and back!

Richard also joined us for the first time after signing up a few weeks back, but other things managed to get in the way....not this time! And we're very grateful! And he managed to come running over to meet us from the Hospital....only to have to go back that direction for the task!! Great effort though! Hope we see you soon!

This week we were invited to do some painting, tidying and cleaning at CCP. On arrival we split up into three teams. One team took on cleaning the big kitchen. Another team took on the challenge of painting what we were unable to finish last time. Another little team decided to clear up the garage, tidy and sort things into boxes and find a logical place for everything, as well out throw out lots of old paint pots. One team had the most festive job which was to set up their Christmas tree including decorations.

After 30 minutes of total blitzing their jobs, we still managed to hoover the floors and tidy everything away! An amazing effort, hanging out with really nice people and giving back to the city of Bournemouth!

Thank you Daryl for the title this evening and for being a great GPS! Next week, we'll be back at CCP and it's the last one before Christmas. The next one after is on the 3rd..... Aaaaaaaannnnnnd join us next week after the run for a festive Mulled wine in the square!!! Can't wait!!!

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BournemouthGroup run
Neil ArmsteadRoss BoonNicole Rosine Henderson Schmidt
Lizzie KershawDaryl VennerCaprice McWilliams

Blue is the Colour

Wednesday 27th September 2017

Written by Daryl Venner

A wet evening awaited us at the Flirt cafe in the Triangle. Big warm welcome went out to Egg and Lizzie from York it was nice to meet you both sorry for the rain.A quick remainder to all that next years White Star Running events go live on line this Friday (we love the bling). It was outside for a warm up and the ever popular Pandiculation. Seven of us ran through the Square and up old Christchurch rd to Horse shoe common and on to the Landsdowne at a steady pace and on to Windham Rd and the destination CCP Once there we had a warm welcome and went into the room we Started and were amazed at how well last weeks painting looked (well done guys) it was out with the rollers and brushes trays and paint we soon had it cracked once Neil had worked out how to use the steps and Daryl had found the paint we had fun.One more visit and we should have the room finished sorry Andy. As we stayed at the task longer than normal it was the same route back to the flirt cafe a warm down and said our good byes and hope next week its not raining as next week we are outside. Plus Andy is back. Well done guys thank you. You all are amazing keep up the good work.

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