You carpet a price on peace of mind

3 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Nicky West
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kate Haworth
Thursday, 17th of January 2019
Here's what Ms I of KT4 had to say about the mission:

'The mission went very well - they're lovely girls.' She's glad they moved her carpet and the rug away from the front of the fireplace. Discussed with her what tools would be needed to fix the carpet down better - her friend may be able to hammer in tacks - if not, she will get in touch for another mission.

Ms I of KT4, mission beneficiary

Roll up, roll up!

It's time for the tale of "The duck and the pussycat went to see if we could help straighten the rug!"

We had been given some very helpful instructions on how to find Ms I’s home (where has two houses with the same door number on the same street?!!Kingston, it seems!) . However, we may have had slight, ahem, issues with finding the actual street, with Kate and Samia cycling past it once (ok, twice in my case....), even after consulting Google maps and post-its.

Once we made it, Ms I welcomed us all in and explained how she had a recent fall after tripping over the edge of the carpet, and had landed in another chair (thankfully her cat wasn’t sat in his usual location, she assured us). She asked us to un-trip-hazard the room by moving the rug back so that it wasn’t a trip hazard, which involved moving a few armchairs and a sofa off and then relocating them back on after.

Samia may have shown slight over-enthusiasm having seen the Langham chair raisers and remembering that’s what they’re called - you know what they say, once an OT, always an OT (and yes, we put the fun in function!).

We lifted the sofa, moved the chairs and attempted to move the rug, but it proved a bit more complicated than hoped as the rug was larger than the space available. We were kept in good company by an ornamental duck (our second Kingston Mission duck, this time the indoor edition) and a cat cuddly toy watching our every move. Unfortunately Ms I didn’t have any tape for us to tape the rug edges down but the duck came in hand, doubling up as a rug-holder-downer.

With furniture repositioned (and castors secured back in the Langham much to Samia’s delight), we had a chat with Ms I and said our goodbyes, with the knowledge that she seemed a little less anxious about falling.

Luckily we were able to figure out the way back a lot more easier, so we didn’t have to take the Lang(ham) way home.

And so ends story time for today - you could say we had it covered! Or we floored it.

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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