

Yoghurt To Be Kidding - I’ve Already Gone Pasta Milk Aisle!

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Lucy Hill
Saturday, 15th of May 2021

I wonder what the record is for the most visits to the big green supermarket in Clapham Junction in a day? My effort ASDA be up there, as I made my third visit on a trip for Ms K.

I made a trip to Ms K’s, and she gave me her list, her money and her bags and I came back twenty or so minutes later, with a nice selection of yoghurts, pasta based ready meals, milk and batteries as per Ms K’s list.

She thanked me, and was obviously so overwhelmed at my choice in dairy products, that she tried to send me back again! I had to gently remind her I’d already done her shopping, to which she thanked me for making her day a little bit better-y.

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Linda Cairns
Linda Cairns
Monday May 17th, 2021 08:58

Fab title Lucy :-)

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