
Training session

Mayday TT!

10 GoodGymers made their way on a training session in Islington.

  • John Shirley
  • Simon Fitzmaurice
  • Sarah-Jane Messenger
  • Matthew Stuart
  • Tracey
  • Leeds runner
  • Becky
  • Linda Sharman
  • James C
  • Eilidh Wagstaff
Saturday, 1st of May 2021
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

This Saturday morning over a long bank holiday weekend, 10 Goodgymmers joined us for our monthly Victoria Park Time Trial (including the Redbridge cycle crew, Linda, James and Sarah-Jane!). We were treated to a perfect running weather, and a nice clear track for our 1 mile and 5km events. All sociable, non competitive running together. John, Tracy and baby Mali helped out with lap counting and photography, while Area Activator Simon took charge of the stopwatch.

Wonderful running and lovely to catch up with everyone over a socially distanced cup of coffee at the Park Cafe afterwards.

Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice

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Linda Sharman
Linda Sharman
Saturday May 1st, 2021 16:29

Good to meet you all. Thanks for a lovely morning.

Thursday May 13th, 2021 21:53

Lovely to meet you too Linda!

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GROUP RUN- Return Trip to Timbuktu Adventure Playground

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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