Will The Real Trim Lady Please Stand Up?

3 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Jonathan
  • Lucy Hill
  • Bethan Critchley
Sunday, 1st of August 2021
Here's what Mrs M of SW6 had to say about the mission:

Mrs M has just phoned in to say thank you for the work you did in her garden, she is very grateful and it has made a big difference.

Mrs M of SW6, mission beneficiary

The Hammersmith & Fulham dream team of Bethan, Cookie and I were back to Mrs M’s, this time to work on her front Bush.

A few weeks back, Cookie and I helped clear a jungle of brambles in her back garden, and a year ago, we had completed the same task. Amazing how much a Bush can grow in a year, eh?

We set to work, with Cookie on the smaller Bush, Lucy with the big choppers on the larger one, and Bethan being on bag duty. I’m not going to lie, but I was contemplating giving up my day job to become a hairdresser for trees. I’d done a great job, going for a short back and sides with a bit off the top. Cookie did a little tidy up with his secateurs and between the three of us, we filled the bags that Bethan had made a great start with.

The hardest part was trying to get a post-mission selfie! Was more difficult that all that gardening! Mrs M came back and was most overjoyed with our Bush tucker trialling, especially with our Cookie (who she had real a soft spot for!). Another successful good deed done, I be-leaf.

Report written by Lucy Hill

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