
Group run

Where the wild things are

7 GoodGymers made their way 14.0km to help the Brighton Hove Food Partnership - Wilding Waterhall in Brighton.

  • Juliet O'Brien
  • Angela Mynott
  • Philippa
  • Sarah Katharine
  • Jane Dallaway
  • Michael
Tuesday, 26th of September 2023

Seven Good Gymers ran or cycled to the Waterhall Food Partnership Club House.

It was a longer run this Tuesday - good practice for the upcoming Hove 10k and Beachy Head Half!

Pippa led a group of runners four miles up and up the long Dyke Road and over the Downs to get there. At the top we were rewarded with views over the Downs and Brighton. We ran a cross the rewilded nature reserve site!

Stefania led a group of cyclists the four miles along the cycle route.

We set to work ticking off our tasks and cleared the weeds from the wheelchair ramp. We made sure we only cleared the ramp and access as the rest of the site was a rewilded nature reserve!

After some sweeping we set off back down the hill. We ran by moonlight and our head torches (I will remember mine next time) and managed not to fall down a rabbit hole.

It was satisfying running back down the hill and we were cheered by the freewheeling cycling group.

There was lots to do there so we will be back!

Report written by Sarah Katharine

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GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Sarah Katharine
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Jane Dallaway
    • Philippa

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Double YMCA Garden action

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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