
Community mission

What A Difference A Day Makes

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Redbridge Mutual Aid FoodBank in Redbridge.

  • Kathryn Hertzberg
  • Linda Sharman
  • AJ
  • Ben Williams
  • Herman Yip
  • Tina Wong
Saturday, 25th of November 2023
Led by Linda Sharman

In comparison to last nights solo session at Frenford Food Bank the place was buzzing with volunteers today.

A huge welcome to Tina and Herman on their first mission. They arrived together bright an early which gave Linda a chance to show them the ropes before the hustle and bustle got under way. They picked it up quickly and were very soon part of the team.

Ben remembered to sign up in time this time 😊 and is now a confirmed regular who quietly gets on with the job, Katherine brought her usual energy to the team and AJ her skills organising and tidying of the shelves trick - she calls it OCD but whatever you call it it's very useful in the Food Bank.

Along with the other Frenford volunteers we got 38 packages together well in time for the drivers arrival.

Some had places to go so left soon after and the others hung on to assist the drivers which was most appreciated.

Report written by Linda Sharman

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Redbridge runner
Redbridge runner
Sunday November 26th, 2023 13:27

Nice one everyone! 👏

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Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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