
Community mission

We fish you a Happy Easter

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Ealing Soup Kitchen in Ealing.

  • Kash
  • Nishy Munisami
  • StephDucat
  • Roberta
Friday, 29th of March 2024
Led by StephDucat

In the background of the Church crypt, you could still hear the Choir singing to the crowd. Tea service over which means its nearly time to open the dining area to serve hungry guests, who were up for a treat. Whilst the service was starting, a lot was in full swing : footcare, showers, food parcels handed out, Easter egss given out and the english lessons just finished. 3 Goodgymers stayed to plate, serve food, serve drinks(hot beverage or juices), give parcels, hand Easter eggs and also tidy up the tables as guests were going in and out of the dining area. Both Kash and Roberta stayed and ended up serving in the dining area while Steph Ducat was in the kitchen plating food that was cook earlier in the day. On the menu which the guest loved : - Salmon with a bed of tomato salsa, crushed potatoes and peas on the side - Pasta with pesto for the veggie option - Apple crumble with custard When the volunteers went for their lunch break, they also were delighted with the lovely dishes prepared by the kitchen team.

Fishing you all a Happy Easter

Report written by StephDucat

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Saturday March 30th, 2024 18:56

Nishy stayed too and was serving the clients alongside me 😊 She did very well!

Saturday March 30th, 2024 20:28

Thanks Kash, I was going to add Nishy but can see you have done it 👍 👌

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Led by StephDucat

Runner(5km,10km,half, marathons, ultramarathon) and any distance available, walker, swimmer, diving, cycling and whatever challenges me.

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    • Kash

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Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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