Watts up

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Madhan
Wednesday, 6th of September 2023

Ms.R saw my t-shirt before my face and said "you are from GoodGym".

Welcome to the dark house

Ms.R said as we were walking through the hallway. She said three bulbs needs changing in hallway and one in the kitchen. I noticed that the ladder was immediately next to me.

I climbed the ladder and took out three bulbs with ease. Ms.R was assisting me as I handed over the old bulbs and she gave new bulbs one by one. Fitting the new ones felt a little tricky as I don't have a visibility of the socket. After placing the bulb it shined right in my face as the switch was turned on.

Ms.R asked if I wanted the switch to be turned off. I told her to leave it as it is. After fitting the other two bulbs I noticed that the hallway was brighter than before..

Moved the ladder to the kitchen and replaced the bulb in an instant.

Ms.R used to do this by herself. But she couldn't do them as she got old and wobbly recently and don't want to risk climbing the ladders.

Before leaving we had some conversations around the lovely black and white photos of her family hanging in the wall. Some of them were taken 80 years ago.

Report written by Madhan

Discuss this report

Wednesday September 6th, 2023 21:20

Nice work! Is that an AI-generated cover pic? 😜

Wednesday September 6th, 2023 22:36

AI-generated cover pic looked bit odd. Still needs fine tuning. So went with a stock image

Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Thursday September 7th, 2023 10:39

nice one Madhan!

Lisa Palmer
Lisa Palmer
Thursday September 7th, 2023 11:36

I really love reading these reports. Good job!

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