
Community mission

Walkathon Talkathon

3 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Birmingham.

  • Morwenna Kearns
  • Laura Smith
  • Eve Edwards
Monday, 20th of March 2023
Led by Morwenna Kearns

There were some leaflets left over after Saturday’s task for the Birmingham Walkathon around Rookery Park in Erdington, so last night we headed to the event’s other starting point in Kings Heath to deliver them.

It was another damp day so I put on the Royal Mail-red raincoat again to walk down to meet Laura, who cycled up the hill from Stirchley, and Eve, who ran from Five Ways. Laura had been isolating with Covid for the past week so it was good to have a catch-up while stretching our legs (hence the pun).

The Birmingham Walkathon (April 2nd) will begin at Kings Heath Park and continue down Vicarage Road and Cartland Road. Roughly following Brum’s iconic circular number 11 bus route, around 1,000 people are expected to take part – so it’s important to let local residents know in advance via leaflets through their letterboxes.

Our route also gave us the chance to pop into Dads Lane Community Centre, where we’ve helped out with their renovations over the past couple of years. The place is looking fab, with plenty of local people already receiving a Warm Welcome and a cuppa in the space.

Once at the bottom of the hill, we took advantage of a nearby pub to wait for the rain to ease. There are a few more leaflets left over, so Laura and I will be heading out again this week to make sure as many people in the neighbourhood know about this brilliant community event.

The Walkathon is being organised by HelpHarryHelpOthers and will raise funds for this amazing charity and many others across the West Midlands. Our very own Jonny and Rob will be helping to get the walkers warmed up on April 2nd, with more volunteers needed too – watch this space!

Report written by Morwenna Kearns

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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