
Group run

Tree-mendous elfies

11 GoodGymers made their way 5km to help the Menphys in Leicester.

  • Huw Davies
  • Leicester runner
  • Jeanette Douglas
  • Jimmy Mitchinson
  • Meena Booth
  • Stu Coe
  • Nick Pryke
  • Leicester runner
  • Sarah
  • Dawn Lee
  • Kimberley Angell
Friday, 1st of December 2023
Led by Sarah

11 Goodgymmers came to share their Christmas Spirit by helping to wrap christmas presents for children and young people with disabilities at Menphys. There were over 600 presents generously donated and we also a Christmas tree to arrange, luckily Elf Kim stepped straight up to the challenge of untangling the Christmas lights, which has to be everyone's least favourite Xmas job!

All the elfies got stuck in, working together as always, spreading their Christmas cheer whilst eating mince pies and listening to Christmas tunes.

Great to see Dawn and Meena again for their 2nd group session, fantastic when new members come back for more!

Wrapping today was 10/10 at the speed of light and before we knew it huge piles of wrapped presents surrounded us and the tree was up with twinkling lights and a star on the top.

Weldone team fantastic efforts all round, there's going to be some very happy kids on Christmas morning.

Report written by Sarah

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Led by Sarah

Area Activator for Leicester loves running, cycling and recently swimming maybe a triathlon is on the cards.

GoodGymers helping out
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    • Leicester runner

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Summer pick-me-up!

Friday 10:30 - 12:00
Led by Sarah
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre

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