
Group run


4 GoodGymers made their way 9.0km to help their local community in Hackney.

  • anne malcolm
  • Joel Wiles
  • Jennifer McGill
  • Georgina Turnbull
Wednesday, 3rd of January 2024
Led by Joel Wiles

4 Goodgymers ran for an hour collecting 24 Christmas trees

Great to be running around Hackney!! Getting a proper workout both Cadio and strength! Pulling Christmas Trees which had been abandoned on Hackney's pavements reducing access and causing potential trip hazards to the recycling depot in Rosemary Park.

Setting off from London Fields and getting a good run in before we found a number of trees getting in the way of on the pavements. grabbing them and running the trees to recycling depot before heading out and grabbing more!

After a number of tree relay shuttles we had a big mound of trees recycled, a lot if clear pavements and a strong workout complete!!

be great to see you next week for another go!!

Report written by Joel Wiles

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London Fields mulching

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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