
Group run

Tonight's Task Was Just The Ticket!

6 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help their local community in Crewe.

  • Nicola Marshall
  • Karen Whitehead
  • Crewe runner
  • Maurice Fitzgerald
  • Kimberly Smart
  • Nigel Whitehead
Wednesday, 1st of February 2023
Led by Nicola Marshall

A huge shout out to the wonderful charity, Motherwell for having us back this week. We love supporting this amazing organisation and tonight was no exception as we helped with various jobs in preparation for their annual Women’s Day celebrations.

We started our evening with our usual exercise. Tonight, Maurice & Nigel took the walking option while Karen & myself took the run. We headed out in different directions, Maurice and Nigel heading towards Wistaston and myself and Karen heading towards the park. It was a cool night be we soon got warm (and breathless – not speaking for Karen there, just myself! Lol!).

We met back up at Motherwell where we were met by the lovely Kat and Kimberley who joined us after finishing off at other commitments. It was really to see you Kimberley.

So, we set to work with our tasks, of which there were several tonight. The first was sorting prizes for the tombola and then sticking all the raffle tickets onto them. Kat, Maurice and Nigel got stuck into that job while Karen did some wrapping of gifts for a different tombola. With more helping hands than we’ve had in a while, we realised that we’d soon be done with those jobs, so Kimberley and I headed over to the far end of the building to sort through some donations. Tonight it was school shirts. We managed to get through a big chunk of them but there’s definitely still more work to be done (when donations are coming in constantly, it’s an eternal work in progress!).

It was lovely to see everyone and to have a good laugh as always…. all while getting fit and doing good for our lovely community.

A big shout out for Karen for coming up with tonight's pun - you've saved me hours of stewing over that one, lol!

Thanks for having us Motherwell!

Well done everyone, you were all amazing as always.

Have a great week and see you all soon. Loads of love, Nicola xxx

Report written by Nicola Marshall

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Supporting The RSPCA - Date TBC

Wednesday, 7th of August 2024 18:00 - 20:00
Led by Nicola Marshall

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