
Group run

Three bags Full

3 GoodGymers made their way 4.2km to help the Forget-me-not Cafe and gardening club in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Cara
  • Dylan Stocker
Tuesday, 30th of April 2024
Led by Michael

On a rainy, windy end to April a brave 3 goodgymers got together to help out the Forget me Not group. We had an emergency call out on Sunday from the organiser, asking if we could get together and help to clear up twigs and branches that had fallen and to weed the pathways between the raised beds. The pesky plants had made their home in the pathways, which was stopping the group members from being able to get in and use the raised beds.

We welcomed back to the group Cara for their second task, good to see you back with us. We had some wonderful new gloves and a brush tonight, and got straight to work. Dylan got to work brushing the pathways around the Church, helping to make it look clean in time for the local elections, before joining the rest in removing the unwanted plants.

There was some bindweed around one of the fruit trees which needed some careful attention, the path was weeded by simply pulling up the plants - it was a woodchip path so nice and easy to clear. And finally, some brambles were cleared from the edge, before they encroached too far.

30 minutes and were done, the "Forget me Not" gone

Report written by Michael

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Led by Michael

Goodgym Area Activator for Cardiff & the Vale, I believe in the transformative power of running & the Arts

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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