
Community mission

The Mince Pie Session

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Redbridge Mutual Aid FoodBank in Redbridge.

  • Jenny McCurry
  • Linda Sharman
  • James C
  • Edward Sharman
  • Mr Jayesh Thawrani
  • Anit
  • Mike Clare
Saturday, 17th of December 2022
Led by Linda Sharman

We were greeted by Genevieve the food bank organiser who thanked everyone for their efforts throughout the year and introduced us to a troop of girl guides that helped us pick orders after being split into pairs . With Linda helped by Hubby Ed, Jenny, James and Mike (James dad ) supported by the girl guide leaders and Jayesh quietly 'going solo' packing work was soon well underway.

There were plenty of chocolates and mince pies to keep us nourished as we filled an astonishing close to 100 food orders !!

The stocks were full when we started but there were big holes on the shelves when we finished. There were lots of treats for the children of families we packed for including sweets and gifts that they could enjoy.

Thanks to Mike for writing the above.

Added by Linda

It was good to see Anit arrive to assist with the deliveries, he had also volunteered to assist with phone calls.

It was a long but satisfying session, well done everyone, here is a little song for the season. You know the tune, sing along...

🎼🎢 On the 7th day of Christmas my Food Bank sent to me,

7 Volunteers Good Gymming 6 Girl Guides Assisting 5 Mince Pies 4 Loo Rolls To A Bag 3 People Stacking 2 Callers Phoning And... A Driver In An Audi GT

NB I have no idea what he was actually driving but it fit the song.

Seasons Greetings To All πŸŽ„

Report written by Mike Clare

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Linda Sharman
Led by Linda Sharman

GoodGym Redbridge TaskForce member

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Jenny McCurry

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Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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